Senior violence epidemic

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ImFree's picture
This prognosis can be made
chimp3's picture
Flaherty's agenda is clear.
ImFree's picture
Once again: Video evidence
chimp3's picture
The causes of that30 year
LogicFTW's picture
Lets digest those numbers for
ImFree's picture
2015 FBI crime stats -
LogicFTW's picture
Okay watched your video..
ImFree's picture
That tin foil hat fits you
ImFree's picture
That tin foil hat fits you
LogicFTW's picture
That is your best response?
ImFree's picture
LogicFTW's picture
Probably for the best we stop
ImFree's picture
In parting I wanted to give
ImFree's picture
No, your in denial. I can not
xenoview's picture
Did you read the article you
ImFree's picture
2015 FBI crime stats -
xenoview's picture
Now tell us all who is more
ImFree's picture
Sure : )
ImFree's picture
2015 FBI crime stats -
Nyarlathotep's picture
Fucking white supremacist
ImFree's picture
Bulllshit back here is a
chimp3's picture
ImFree : You are like
ImFree's picture
Sounds more like a bad date
chimp3's picture
I vote libertarian. Don't
ImFree's picture
I support Bernie Sanders. He
chimp3's picture
Sanders supports Weed
ImFree's picture
I paid off my student loans.
chimp3's picture
Howard Stern's High School
ImFree's picture
A mind is a terrible thing to
chimp3's picture
They? You have a very twisted


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