Senior violence epidemic

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xenoview's picture
Prove Colin Flaherty is not
ImFree's picture
You have not proved he is. I
ImFree's picture
People like you are always
Nyarlathotep's picture
xenoview's picture
What? I want my money!
ImFree's picture
Well if hyperbole makes your
ImFree's picture
Nyarlathotep : “And sorry
xenoview's picture
Tell me difference between
ImFree's picture
xenoview:“Tell me difference
xenoview's picture
Does it matter what the skin
ImFree's picture
Your just butt-hurt because
xenoview's picture
So I only found one video.
ImFree's picture
Not my fault evidence to
xenoview's picture
ImFree's picture
The person should face
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Ok Black Americans commit
ImFree's picture
If you go to Miami beach don
watchman's picture
Just by way of explanation
ImFree's picture
Well sounds like you have
LogicFTW's picture
You are going to keep going
ImFree's picture
Or dead considering the rate
ImFree's picture
P. S. Naaaah....if I were


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