Senior violence epidemic

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xenoview's picture
Why are you so concerned
ImFree's picture
If they are purple they
chimp3's picture
Is there a video tape of this
xenoview's picture
You are avoiding my questions
ImFree's picture
I do not agree. See the link
xenoview's picture
So he helped free a black man
ImFree's picture
Only one? Here is an hours
xenoview's picture
You wanted a video of a white
ImFree's picture
You only provided one. You
ImFree's picture
xenoview:"Did you read the
xenoview's picture
It's great he helped free
ImFree's picture
The same name calling could
xenoview's picture
Why are you protecting a
ImFree's picture
Where are more knock-out game
xenoview's picture
I gave you the one video, not
chimp3's picture
He did not free that man. He
ImFree's picture
More denial and racism from
watchman's picture
Where are the Asian thugs..
ImFree's picture
Simple agenda is to report
xenoview's picture
Why are you starting in with
ImFree's picture
I want to know the truth
xenoview's picture
I agree that the person
LogicFTW's picture
How about real evidence? Ya
ImFree's picture
Glad you live in an area
chimp3's picture
I have lived in San Diego,
ImFree's picture
2015 FBI crime stats -
ImFree's picture
Here is a partial, I repeat
xenoview's picture
ImFree's picture
Because the main stream media
watchman's picture


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