Nobody in this sub gave me a convincing reason why the Shroud is not evidence of the resurrection of Jesus.:
Evidence number 1 is in the link:
and here is a little expansion on evidence number 2:
I suggest you watch this video, which is a summary video that shows all the relevant articles from 2009 upwards instead of going to the articles one by one. It's faster and easier.
Within it at the 3:25 minute marker it has information on:
The ultraviolet light necessary to do so
"exceeds the maximum number release from all ultra-violet light sources available today"
It would require "pulses having durations shorter than one-forthy-billionth of a second, and intensities on the order of several billion watts"
Back to my point:
* The evidence they have found is that the image is no oil painting and it is caused by light in the UVB range at burst of several million micro seconds and energy release of everal billion kilowatts.
* Science has literally confirmed it is a crucified man and that the image has been produced by no natural light but a light that is several billion kw of energy and bursts of light as short as a millionth of a second.
* It was highly superficial but strong enough to cause an imprint.
* Christian imagines what Jesus looks like and this comes indirectly from the Shroud image that was responsible for most of the early portraits of Jesus from 300 A.D.
Since our greatest minds can not conceive of how the image was made except by supernatural means, perhaps logic dictates the Shroud is physical evidence of a supernatural event - the resurrection of Jesus.
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