Shroud of Turin actually proves the Resurrection of Jesus.

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UneducatedAtheists's picture
Sheldon's picture
Oxford English dictionary.
Sheldon's picture
"Hey moron, the word atheist
Nyarlathotep's picture
I just doubled check the
Randomhero1982's picture
It's almost as if it's all
Sheldon's picture
That of course would
Randomhero1982's picture
Hardly surprising, he seems
Sheldon's picture
"he seems the sort to have
arakish's picture
@ Uneducated
UneducatedAtheists's picture
Laughs.. Well it's your lucky
Sheldon's picture
Bye then, Bullwinkle.
Sheldon's picture
Well he was clearly lying,
arakish's picture
Oh yeah. He enriched me. On
arakish's picture
Uneducated: "Obviously I am a
UneducatedAtheists's picture
ΡΕ ΜΑΛΑΚΑ! (of course I can).
Sheldon's picture
Are all religious apologists
UneducatedAtheists's picture
Ask that question to your
Sheldon's picture
You know that typing laughs!
UneducatedAtheists's picture
Contrary to popular belief,
Sapporo's picture
Uneducated: ΡΕ ΜΑΛΑΚΑ! (of
arakish's picture
UneducatedTheist: "Perhaps, I
Sapporo's picture
I don't understand why
arakish's picture
arakish's picture
Saw this post, and had to
UneducatedAtheists's picture
Oh the icing on the cake! A
Sapporo's picture
UneducatedAtheists's picture
Thanks for confirming.
Sapporo's picture
Uneducated: Thanks for
UneducatedAtheists's picture
I wrote.. "the word atheist
Sheldon's picture
Theist doesn't mean god, it


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