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ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
"Bringing an unwanted child
Armando Perez's picture
I mean that unwanted children
ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
Have you read Jonathan Swift
LogicFTW's picture
Chuckled a bit when I saw you
ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
For all we know that long,
Sheldon's picture
Apparently Placentophagy has
ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
Not until it can be shown
Sheldon's picture
Breezy "I don't concern
Sheldon's picture
Though one would have to
Armando Perez's picture
Cannot tell about the overlap
ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
Well I agree with the idea of
Sheldon's picture
Abortion does not involve a
Armando Perez's picture
An embryo is not a child so
Sheldon's picture
You'd be shocked then I take
LucyAustralopithecus's picture
from an intellectual and
ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
I think both are good points.
LucyAustralopithecus's picture
Perhaps from a human
ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
It may have been lost in the
LucyAustralopithecus's picture
it is a awkward subject as it
ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
I don't think there's
LucyAustralopithecus's picture
you cannot have one without
ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
Well I think you can have one
LucyAustralopithecus's picture
your almost there, without
Sheldon's picture
"A human zygote, a human
Sheldon's picture
"At that moment the cell is a
LogicFTW's picture
I do think a pregnancy and
Sheldon's picture
Straw man cliche, no one is
Sheldon's picture
"I do think a pregnancy and
LucyAustralopithecus's picture
it is the far better option
CyberLN's picture
Given the incidence of less


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