Transgender ideology and mental illness

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arakish's picture
how much emotion is the
Sheldon's picture
Sun, 08/12/2018 - 20:3's picture
“Sex is biological while
arakish's picture
Hey PerceptionLies. Ain't's picture
yeah... I really had better
Tin-Man's picture
Hey there, Perception! How ya
arakish's picture
Edit to add: Apparently, the
RedleT's picture
The thing is that they won’t
Sheldon's picture
"they won’t tolerate just
RedleT's picture
It’s common knowledge and has
Sheldon's picture
"It’s common knowledge"'s picture
“The thing is that they won’t
RedleT's picture
So if I found a bunch of's picture
"...would you agree that that
Sheldon's picture
"So if I found a bunch of
xenoview's picture
Dumb ox's picture
arakish's picture
Hey Dumb Ox,
Kataclismic's picture
Accusing somebody of being
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Re the OP


Attach Image/Video?: 

xenoview's picture
Dumb ox
RedleT's picture
Give evidence of racism
arakish's picture
Here is where Dumb Ox gets it
RedleT's picture
“Racist - showing or feeling
arakish's picture
So do you agree with xenoview
xenoview's picture
Dumb ox
Sapporo's picture
Considering that theists have
RedleT's picture
So Christians literally kill
turning_left's picture
"My whole point is trans
Tin-Man's picture
@Stone Jade


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