Why do atheists only say God doesn't exist? Why not Satan?

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Tin-Man's picture
@Deme3 Re: "I am really
arakish's picture
"Thank you for that
Tin-Man's picture
@Arakish Re: "Uhmm... Didn't
arakish's picture
@ Tin-Man
Sheldon's picture
The Satan myth is as much of
Nyarlathotep's picture
Deme3 - Why do atheists only
Krombopulos Michael's picture
I love psychology and
Nyarlathotep's picture
Deme3 - This will always end
David Killens's picture
@ Deme3
Krombopulos Michael's picture
Hmmm, if I know all God's
David Killens's picture
@ Deme3
Sheldon's picture
Omnipotent lite, now that
Kataclismic's picture
What if God doesn't want you
Krombopulos Michael's picture
Maybe you are not looking for
Kataclismic's picture
There is no evidence of a god
Sheldon's picture
"write a book about yourself
xenoview's picture
Krombopulos Michael's picture
I was once an atheist like
xenoview's picture
Krombopulos Michael's picture
God is more real than us, I'm
Sapporo's picture
Deme3: God is more real than
Kataclismic's picture
Now we know you've never been
Krombopulos Michael's picture
Come out under the sun
Kataclismic's picture
Is that your best reply when
David Killens's picture
Deme3 are you asserting that
Krombopulos Michael's picture
Well, how do we know that
David Killens's picture
Sooooo .. you can not provide
Krombopulos Michael's picture
I cannot provide it for you
David Killens's picture
I'm still waiting for you to
Krombopulos Michael's picture
He was as far as we know, the


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