Why do atheists only say God doesn't exist? Why not Satan?

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David Killens's picture
That is not a definition.
Nyarlathotep's picture
Deme3 - Well, I am in a
Krombopulos Michael's picture
It is not a special power,
Sapporo's picture
Jesus is recording as saying
Krombopulos Michael's picture
lollollol, imagine saying the
Sapporo's picture
Deme3: lollollol, imagine
Krombopulos Michael's picture
I wasn't just an atheist, I
Sapporo's picture
Deme3: I wasn't just an
Krombopulos Michael's picture
Well the same goes for you,
Sapporo's picture
Deme3: Well the same goes for
arakish's picture
quip: What are the character
Cognostic's picture
And said, Verily I say unto
chimp3's picture
Deme3: I seem to recall a
Krombopulos Michael's picture
That's very nice of you.
Sapporo's picture
When it comes to belief,
Krombopulos Michael's picture
My favorite topic when I was
Sapporo's picture
Deme3: My favorite topic when
Cognostic's picture
Oh,, now you know something
arakish's picture
quip: "But, if we dive into
Cognostic's picture
@OP "you have rights to make
Krombopulos Michael's picture
You make me miss the old days
Randomhero1982's picture
An athiest is a person who
Randomhero1982's picture
An athiest is a person who
SeniorCitizen007's picture
The UK Royal College of
David Killens's picture
Yea, and the more marijuana
Sapporo's picture
Deme3: Hi, I'm an ex-atheist,
Krombopulos Michael's picture
Lets say, you constantly talk
Sapporo's picture
Deme3: Lets say, you
Krombopulos Michael's picture
Lets use the Erik and Mike
Sapporo's picture
Deme3: Lets use the Erik and


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