Why do atheists only say God doesn't exist? Why not Satan?

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Krombopulos Michael's picture
killing someone is not moral.
Sapporo's picture
Deme3: killing someone is not
Krombopulos Michael's picture
What's so bad about that?
Sapporo's picture
Deme3: killing someone is not
Cognostic's picture
So your God is not moral.
Krombopulos Michael's picture
What God did was a good idea.
Sheldon's picture
"Again, what makes you still
David Killens's picture
"It is interesting, read it
Krombopulos Michael's picture
What else would you say to a
David Killens's picture
This forum is adults, unless
Krombopulos Michael's picture
Cool, I never knew I was
Sheldon's picture
To be fair David never
arakish's picture
ALL religious texts are
Krombopulos Michael's picture
That depends on the reader
arakish's picture
And whether they suffer from
Sheldon's picture
True enough, if the reader is
Cognostic's picture
How unfortunate for us:
Krombopulos Michael's picture
Thank you, you got that right
Cognostic's picture
No. The spelling is correct
arakish's picture
Cognostic: "How unfortunate
Cognostic's picture
You mean.....................
Sheldon's picture
"Why do atheists only say God
Krombopulos Michael's picture
"I think I saw..." and "I saw
Sheldon's picture
Semantics, believingyou saw
Krombopulos Michael's picture
Religion is man-made. God is
David Killens's picture
But Pythagorean's Theorem can
Krombopulos Michael's picture
I have already provided it,
David Killens's picture
You have not proven anything.
Krombopulos Michael's picture
Your above assertion may not
David Killens's picture
The burden of proof is yours


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