Why Doesn't God Heal Amputees?

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Sheldon's picture
Spiders regrow severed legs.
Nyarlathotep's picture
ThinkTank - This passage says
CyberLN's picture
Hi think tank. You asked,
ThinkTank's picture
Thanks for the honesty. The
CyberLN's picture
I’m quite sure you’ve seen it
ThinkTank's picture
Completely understood. As I
Empedocles's picture
My response has two parts.
ThinkTank's picture
Thank you for the lengthy
Empedocles's picture
@Think Tank
ThinkTank's picture
Okay, we are on the same page
Sheldon's picture
"Jesus did undoubtedly
ThinkTank's picture
I mean, if we are being
Sapporo's picture
ThinkTank's picture
@Sapparo. Please read my post
Sapporo's picture
ThinkTank: @Sapparo. Please
Sheldon's picture
" there is certainly
ThinkTank's picture
This isn’t true Sheldon. Most
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Think Tank
Grinseed's picture
Sorry, Old Man, you left out
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Grinseed
Sheldon's picture
"You tell me what would
jonthecatholic's picture
"I don't understand the
Empedocles's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Empedocles
arakish's picture
@ Empedocles
Sapporo's picture
JoC: "I don't understand the
jonthecatholic's picture
"There are comparable figures
Sapporo's picture
JoC:"There are comparable
Sky Pilot's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ JoC


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