Why I believe in god

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Harshith's picture
Why I believe in god

About a 2-3 years ago I guess I used be in the notion that God as an entity was a mere joke that the ancients put to keep others in line...I used to think maybe there's no god at all maybe it's all a lie and the reason I did this was because I come from a Christian family and I used to read the Bible a lot since childhood I read the whole Bible when I was in my 4 or 5 th grade yet I had the above mentioned notion later when I was around 8th grade I guess and it was because according to the Bible I was wrong whatever I was doing was wrong whatever I was watching was wrong and in all this I decided to prove somehow I had a way out and I wasn't a sinner so I searched the whole Bible but couldn't find one so I decided to question the very legitimacy of the Bible and still couldn't find a way to say the Bible was wrong but I couldn't find a way to say it was right either so it all depended on what I believed so I believed it not me legitimate . Yet later after a year or two I came up with the question again and the reason was that I just realized that no matter what I think the truth won't change so what if I'm believing in the wrong thing so I decided to research it thoroughly to conclude on a satisfactory wherein I would believe in the truth rather believing which I wanted and after a lot of research I came to a stand point that I can neither prove the he exists nor that he doesn't exist so I went into a bit more depth if he doesn't exist then all that I see and what I am are by chance or if he exists he created all of this. The notion of chance is something according to me atleast which science is exactly opposite of. The growth of a plant ....a rainbow all this is not by chance and science explains it and I found it ironical for some scientists to come to the conclusion that the universe was by chance and I thought the reason they did come to the conclusion is because either they didn't know how it came to existence hence coming to the same conclusion as the ancients did regarding rainbows or that they just didn't want the idea of God to win. So the reason of chance has no meaning at all so the other alternative is that God exists and it didn't take me time to come to that conclusion because I thought we look at a painting and think about what a great artist painted this and when I look at everything around ,below and above me I think about it's creator so I came to the conclusion that God exists but now th question was if God exists then which one is he in other words which religion is speaking about God and which are just a way to keep people in line and stuff surely one of them is right because God would have interacted with his creation somehow or the other. So the first thing I searched for was contradiction and practicality because if they were really talking about God then there shouldn't be any contradiction coz they're talking about the characteristics of one being and it should be practical coz if God gave those rules and stuff they should be applicable in the present world in that way I came down to two religions it was either Christianity or islam. Now I had to decide between these two and it came down to Christianity because as I looked Islam was a religion where it was passed down by one man so whatever we know about God is of what that one man says and I thought why would god tell about himself through a man to mankind and when I looked at Christianity it's not one man talking about God it's 40 + different authors spread across the lapse of time most of them not even in the same era yet talk about one being in one way characterising him in one manner and not only that God himself came down to tell about himself to tell about his plans for his creation so clearly at that moment though I read the Bible many times that was the first time I understood it and how God is, was and will be....that moment I read the Bible again and truly I looked back at my life and what I was missing how I was and what the Bible was talking about me was absolutely true so and finally I realized that I was a sinner and realized how I was running after something temporary while seeking for something eternal...and I realized this when I was reading through something and read a sentence which said "you'll never find in sin what you've entered it for" and at that instant I felt different and I realized that God talked to me through this sentence how do I know God talked to me?? Well to be honest it's a quite different sensation and moreover a quite hard feeling like you just know he talked to you eventhough it didn't happen physically and by the way I forgot to mention something I realized when I was concluding on whether god exists or not is that how can one come to a conclusion on the extraordinary when he/she restricts it to the ordinary....hope I changed some of the people's views with this message if some of you disagree with my view and have a different opinion please present it to me I would love to hear out various opinions

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CyberLN's picture
Ok, Drogon, you are a theist.
Tin-Man's picture
@Cyber Re: "Ok, Drogon, you
CyberLN's picture
Tin - “I'm considering
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@Cyber Re: "You’ve always
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@Tin Man
HumeMystic's picture
“ so I decided to research it
algebe's picture
Tin-Man's picture
Re: OP
Nyarlathotep's picture
What I extracted from the OP:
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@ OP
Cognostic's picture
@Dragon: Holy fuck? Do
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I am impressed by anyone that
Grinseed's picture
Another apunctuationist. Its
NewSkeptic's picture
Me too, I've read more of it
Cognostic's picture
It's a "Stay At Home Sunday"
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Drogon "I decided to
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I believe in God too. I've
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@ Homer
Sheldon's picture
Homer "I believe in God too.
Cognostic's picture
@Homer: Thank you for adding
David Killens's picture
@ Drogon


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Homergreg's picture
You are very welcome. I did
Cognostic's picture
@Homer: RE: "I guess I
Homergreg's picture
@Cognostic I'll just have to
David Killens's picture
Tin-Man's picture
@David K. Re: ""Fruits of
Sheldon's picture
Homer "I have more patience,
Homergreg's picture
It could be!!! I would love
Sheldon's picture


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