Why I believe in god

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Homergreg's picture
Sounds like a great way to
Whitefire13's picture
@Homer... what came first,
Homergreg's picture
Faith, absolutely. It was a
Whitefire13's picture
@Homer ... Faith, absolutely.
Homergreg's picture
Thanks! I've been working
Nyarlathotep's picture
Homer - I keep on getting the
David Killens's picture
@ Homer
Tin-Man's picture
@David K. Re: "it makes my
Sheldon's picture
Homer "not sure how one can
Sheldon's picture
Homer "That's the trick
Sheldon's picture
I am reminded of this quote .
Homergreg's picture
I'm often reminded of this
Cognostic's picture
@Homer: RE: Even the
Homergreg's picture
I'm not claiming I've got
Sheldon's picture
Homer "I'm not claiming I've
Homergreg's picture
Sheldon, there are so many
Sheldon's picture
Homergreg's picture
I don't see it as a non
Sheldon's picture
Homer "I don't see it as a
boomer47's picture
Homergreg's picture
Ok Sheldon, I already said I
Sheldon's picture
Exidus 21 also endorses
Homergreg's picture
@Sheldon, I believe the old
Whitefire13's picture
@Homer...” Some guy comes
Homergreg's picture
The old testament documents a
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Homer
Homergreg's picture
I'm trying to tell him Jesus
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Homer
Whitefire13's picture
“Jesus isn't credited with
Whitefire13's picture
I’m just throwing in my


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