Why the religion of Atheizum?

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Lmale's picture
I suggest you read it again
Chuck Rogers's picture
God is quite powerful enough
Chuck Rogers's picture
You should do some research.
Lmale's picture
Oops damn iphone keypad
Lmale's picture
The answer should be obvious
Chuck Rogers's picture
My brain needed to be washed
Chuck Rogers's picture
A true Christian that has
sdkalsd's picture
Please, Chuck. You have been
Chuck Rogers's picture
First of all, no I have not
Nordic Fox's picture
*Disbelief in all gods...
Lmale's picture
Lol you were never atheist
Chuck Rogers's picture
Your so called fossil ages
Lmale's picture
Oh right so fossilised bones
Lmale's picture
I found a site in 20 seconds
Chuck Rogers's picture
This is funny did you really
Lmale's picture
Did you miss the part where
Chuck Rogers's picture
So what is your point with
Chuck Rogers's picture
Not because your so called
Lmale's picture
Your clearly out of your
Lmale's picture
Another thing even the
Chuck Rogers's picture
Dogs can only produce dogs.
Lmale's picture
Dogs were fucking wolves from
Chuck Rogers's picture
When the week mind comes
Lmale's picture
More proof you were never
Nordic Fox's picture
"Week mind"....
Lmale's picture
Dogs were fucking wolves from
Chuck Rogers's picture
What you don't get is that if
Chuck Rogers's picture
You tell me I have no right
Lmale's picture
Right its been proven that
Chuck Rogers's picture
Again you do not become a


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