Why the religion of Atheizum?

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Lmale's picture
Stop that you have no right
Chuck Rogers's picture
Not so. But there are Baptist
Chuck Rogers's picture
What kind of a hippocrite are
Lmale's picture
That had to be one of the top
Chuck Rogers's picture
Now let me educate you a
Lmale's picture
Rofl another stupidity god is
Chuck Rogers's picture
Nope I just go by God's word.
Lmale's picture
Thats a bullshit excuse. You
Chuck Rogers's picture
Oh yeah that's right you are
Lmale's picture
Its called brainwashing i
Lmale's picture
By the way if your god is so
Chuck Rogers's picture
What is it wrong about?
Chuck Rogers's picture
You were never a Christian, I
Lmale's picture
You did no such thing you
Chuck Rogers's picture
Tell me what do you think
Nordic Fox's picture
Ahh, arguing reality with
Chuck Rogers's picture
I have no problem being
Chuck Rogers's picture
Someone in an earlier post
Chuck Rogers's picture
Read this testimony
CyberLN's picture
And you posted this story for
Lmale's picture
I have a bridge to sell him
Lmale's picture
Erm hell is eternal torture
Chuck Rogers's picture
Ther are many professing
Nordic Fox's picture
Makes one wonder, doesn't it?
Lmale's picture
Maybe but perhaps not,
Nordic Fox's picture
Indeed! And thank you for
Lmale's picture
Did you just have a stroke?
Chuck Rogers's picture
And we're are the rules that
Chuck Rogers's picture
Not , you wouldn't have came
Chuck Rogers's picture
Someone in an earlier post


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