Why the religion of Atheizum?

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Lmale's picture
God made the people that made
Chuck Rogers's picture
Wrong God gave us a will to
Lmale's picture
Lol you dont even know your
Chuck Rogers's picture
Wrong read it again. God put
Chuck Rogers's picture
They were not stupid when God
Chuck Rogers's picture
Have you ever heard that
Chuck Rogers's picture
That thing about the moon
Lmale's picture
If genesis was factual How
Chuck Rogers's picture
I'm so glad you know their
Chuck Rogers's picture
Do you realize that movie
Thackerie's picture
He's got us there. The moon
science's picture
Thats it, I'M DONE!!! Your
Chuck Rogers's picture
I googled transitional
Chuck Rogers's picture
Dr Patterson had written a
Zaphod's picture
These people who perpetuate
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
You are mixing darwinists
Chuck Rogers's picture
So you claim that man didn't
Lmale's picture
Where the hell did he say men
Aaron Harris's picture
I just can not understand,
Lmale's picture
Yup he claims by saying we
Chuck Rogers's picture
Need to do some more work
Ellie Harris's picture
Err, okay
Lmale's picture
Oooo burn lol
Chuck Rogers's picture
Oh yeah ouch ouch ouch what a
Zaphod's picture
This further supports my
Chuck Rogers's picture
Wrong, God didn't have a
MCDennis's picture
I love assertions. So you
Ellie Harris's picture
Side note about the
Lmale's picture
Oh please say your a
Unindoctrinated's picture
I don't really understand why


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