Why the religion of Atheizum?

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Chandler Isaac Klebs's picture
The reasons I don't believe
Chuck Rogers's picture
Ahh but Lmale doesn't believe
Chuck Rogers's picture
Sorry about evolution.
Lmale's picture
Who the fuck said that? I
Lmale's picture
Right theists claim the big
Chuck Rogers's picture
You just admitted you don't
Lmale's picture
1 i admited how much i
Lmale's picture
"Did you know that minerals
Chuck Rogers's picture
So the stars made the gold,
Lmale's picture
Have you never bothered to
Chuck Rogers's picture
I am amazed, a documentary on
AU_Tyler_AU's picture
Just so you know the closest
Lmale's picture
Its the light emitted by the
Zaphod's picture
Look Chuck Rogers, are you
Wireguy73's picture
You're ignorance of cosmology
Chuck Rogers's picture
Oh another belief brought on
Lmale's picture
When you say someone famous
Lmale's picture
By the way theres a very
Wireguy73's picture
The sun isn't a star... I
Lmale's picture
As for evolution were able to
Chuck Rogers's picture
For one thing that would just
Lmale's picture
Dude atleast discover what
Lmale's picture
Reverse engineering takes
Lmale's picture
I meant to post this link
Spewer's picture
"Faith is the evidence of
RebelFred's picture
Hey Chuck; you worship the
Chuck Rogers's picture
There are a lot of people who
Lmale's picture
Regarding the king james
Chuck Rogers's picture
I take it that you think that
Ellie Harris's picture
"I honestly don't know why


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