Why the religion of Atheizum?

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Unindoctrinated's picture
You seem to be lashing out at
Chuck Rogers's picture
Oh and by the way the Bible
Nordic Fox's picture
Pff as if, dude.
science's picture
"Scriptures" are ALL BULLSHIT
MCDennis's picture
Most atheists I know are far
CyberLN's picture
Referencing the final
Chuck Rogers's picture
Sorry I will be offline for a
Chuck Rogers's picture
Real quick before I go sin is
CyberLN's picture
Yes, there are hundreds of
Chuck Rogers's picture
Ahh yes I have broken many of
CyberLN's picture
Wow, just, wow. Your last
Chuck Rogers's picture
I didn't make the rules God
Unindoctrinated's picture
Cyber, Chuck, this debate can
science's picture
Okay, so God has proven that
Nordic Fox's picture
Also, Mr Chuck,
science's picture
I've also found that theists
Lmale's picture
Lol christianity broke thou
Lmale's picture
Diluted i said proved wrong
Lmale's picture
By the way im still waiting
Lmale's picture
Sorry forgot; Why on earth
Zaphod's picture
They wouldn't need faith, the
Chuck Rogers's picture
The very admittance that you
Unindoctrinated's picture
No one "believes" in
Unindoctrinated's picture
As far as "not knowing", thus
Lmale's picture
Yes and since he says he was
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
This guy does not value
Chuck Rogers's picture
So give me some reason that
Chuck Rogers's picture
So give me some reason that
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
evidence of what?
Chuck Rogers's picture
Your assumption that God is


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