Why the religion of Atheizum?

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gotpatience's picture
Atheist ≠ Evolutionist
Levardo's picture
i would, but there will be
VCBurton's picture
This is my first contribution
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Even worse, they cherry pick
VCBurton's picture
One of the most annoying
SeanBreen's picture
@ Chuck "Travis
Nutmeg's picture
Nutmeg's picture
If you actually tried to
SeanBreen's picture
@ Nutmeg "If you actually
Nutmeg's picture
You of course.
SeanBreen's picture
Nutmeg, so you're telling me
Dragon reborn's picture
Oh for Fuck's sake. This OP
chimp3's picture
This thread is very old. Most
Abdul Karim's picture
Atheists are just
Garth Croft's picture
Imagine an adult pretending
Kevin Rohm's picture
There is no evidence behind
xenoview's picture
Necromancy at work!
Rob Klaers's picture
I always find it difficult to
MCDennis's picture
Duuuuhhhh. Atheism is not a
Sheldon's picture
Atheism isn't a religion. It
Sirkenstien's picture
When I was a christian I
Sheldon's picture
A small point but an atheist
Chuck Rogers's picture
Faith is something that can't
Sirkenstien's picture
Pascals wager
Sheldon's picture
David_Holloway's picture
First off, calling Atheism a
Chuck Rogers's picture
First of all you apparently
Sirkenstien's picture
This is a good example of
Chuck Rogers's picture
One day you will find out
Sirkenstien's picture
Some men are wicked. Not all.


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