Why the religion of Atheizum?

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Chuck Rogers's picture
Actually it's towards Lmale's
Nordic Fox's picture
I think your words are too
mjplatt's picture
You sound as though you have
Vincent Paul Tran's picture
......... all evidence is
mjplatt's picture
You sound as though you have
Nordic Fox's picture
I can't agree more, mjplatt.
mjplatt's picture
Just read through the long
Chuck Rogers's picture
All it takes is submitting to
Nordic Fox's picture
Submitting what? An email? A
Chuck Rogers's picture
Nordic Fox's picture
Dammit Chuck, you're skipping
SeanBreen's picture
If you want to talk about
Chuck Rogers's picture
First I have to ask are you
Nordic Fox's picture
Stop answering my questions
Travis Hedglin's picture
Worse, actually. He is
Nyarlathotep's picture
I've said it before: dumb on
Nordic Fox's picture
Indeed! I think that's how
Nordic Fox's picture
Very true... He's sticking to
Nordic Fox's picture
Very true... He's sticking to
Chuck Rogers's picture
What evidence do you have to
Travis Hedglin's picture
I will take the paleontology
Chuck Rogers's picture
Travis Hedglin's picture
"You apparently are claiming
Lmale's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Lmale - "The phrase the big
Lmale's picture
Should know better than to
Nyarlathotep's picture
Vincent Paul Tran's picture
it's on you to prove god.
Nordic Fox's picture
You're wrong, I found god,
Nordic Fox's picture
And once again, Chuck... You


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