A brief attack on the moral argument

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CyberLN's picture
How do you know this? From
jonthecatholic's picture
You first start with the
algebe's picture
JoC: "if you find them
CyberLN's picture
JoC, you wrote, “ you can
Tin-Man's picture
jonthecatholic's picture
Sure. Especially if you don’t
Tin-Man's picture
@JoC Re: "Sure. Especially
Sky Pilot's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
So we are back to :
Tin-Man's picture
@Old Man Re: (With thanks
Sushisnake's picture
@JoC “You grow up in a
jonthecatholic's picture
I never said it was ever okay
Sheldon's picture
"I do say the God is the
CyberLN's picture
“ I think we learn that rape
Nyarlathotep's picture
Objective morality is easy
MCDennis's picture
"If god does not exist then
David Killens's picture
When faced with such stubborn
Aposteriori unum's picture
That's a great way to
Sheldon's picture
We could also ask why if god
Aposteriori unum's picture
JoC said:
jonthecatholic's picture
"Saying that objective moral
Aposteriori unum's picture
You say there should be...
Aposteriori unum's picture
Aposteriori unum's picture
You are so close to being
Sheldon's picture
"What I'm saying is, there
Aposteriori unum's picture
JOC: you already know. Why
Sheldon's picture
So we're 4 pages in, and not


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