christian student with questions

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chimp3's picture
isobel: I don't know why you
isobel's picture
its actually just an atheist
chimp3's picture
Isobel: You actually posted
DawkinsDesciple's picture
I would be happy to help
isobel's picture
i would love to interview u!
Sheldon's picture
Though atheists may hold
isobel's picture
straight up.... its not lol.
David Killens's picture
isobel's picture
i've addressed this useless
Cognostic's picture
@Isobel " i would like to
Dave Matson's picture
isobel's picture
first of all, me being a
Sheldon's picture
"first of all, me being a
Nyarlathotep's picture
isobel - [W]hy would [God]
isobel's picture
what? he doesnt trick people
Nyarlathotep's picture
1 Kings 22:19-23
David Killens's picture
Genesis 22, god tricked
isobel's picture
a trick and a test r not the
mickron88's picture
"a trick and a test r not the
mickron88's picture
there you have answer
isobel's picture
look dude, i'm not gonna
mickron88's picture
"i don't have time to hang
isobel's picture
tests r for us, not Him. it
David Killens's picture
Test, no test, that is
Sky Pilot's picture
Sushisnake's picture
watchman's picture
@Isobel ....
isobel's picture
i have had requests to post
CyberLN's picture
Isobel, you asked, “how did u
Tin-Man's picture
Hey there, Isobel. Just in


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