God is real!

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Gristomatic's picture
The Earth...its size is
Nyarlathotep's picture
Gristomatic - "Any closer and
Mitch's picture
Let me introduce you to the
Travis Paskiewicz's picture
So because things are? I'm
dalkibiades's picture
Hi Gristomatic. I hope you
Luther's picture
Why do I not trust in the God
Gristomatic's picture
I figured as much. Many
ImFree's picture
Evidence! Lots and lots of
science's picture
Have you ever seen the movie,
dalkibiades's picture
One important reason is that
JAlexG's picture
What has God done for me? He
Gristomatic's picture
The thig is though he has
Mitch's picture
Wait... what? If he died for
Gristomatic's picture
Not exactly , you are given
Mitch's picture
So he didnt die for my sins?
Gristomatic's picture
Where did you get that idea
Mitch's picture
So, we still have to work off
Gristomatic's picture
"working it off" is a simple
Mitch's picture
How does romans know I've
science's picture
What "sins" did I commit 3000
Gristomatic's picture
How could you have sinned
science's picture
The thing you must understand
Gristomatic's picture
Are you people actually PROUD
JAlexG's picture
Are you telling me I'm
Gristomatic's picture
I was asking you if you are a
ImFree's picture
When you were born you won
rotiferuk's picture
1) Yes, I am proud to be an
Gristomatic's picture
You have been more
rotiferuk's picture
"You have been more
Gristomatic's picture
Wow wow hang on, you dont


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