God is real!

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Gristomatic's picture
So you come to a website
ImFree's picture
Yes, please look at the room
Mitch's picture
Actually, many different
Gristomatic's picture
Actually it doesn't question
Nyarlathotep's picture
At least a couple times a
Gristomatic's picture
Is that so? Maybe I will
Mitch's picture
Close. More like reprieve. A
Gristomatic's picture
How am I being "hostile"?
Mitch's picture
I didn't actually say that
Nyarlathotep's picture
Even worse, some of the users
ImFree's picture
Those are the people I have a
Gristomatic's picture
Well shame on those who MAKE
Gristomatic's picture
Ok well if anybody isn't so
ImFree's picture
We want to help you by
ThePragmatic's picture
Travis Hedglin's picture
"For all of you atheists out
Gristomatic's picture
Trust = believe. And yes my
Travis Hedglin's picture
"Trust = believe."
Gristomatic's picture
Ok so you don't believe in
ThePragmatic's picture
I don't understand your use
Gristomatic's picture
Trust is to believe that
ThePragmatic's picture
When you say "Why do you not
Travis Hedglin's picture
"Ok so you don't believe in
Gristomatic's picture
The whole pint of that
Travis Hedglin's picture
That is the point though, you
Rownee's picture
Gristomatic, What, exactly,
Gristomatic's picture
Ok from your perspective, how
ThePragmatic's picture
There is nothing that demands
Gristomatic's picture
Ok you don't know, I respect
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
It is not a matter of trust,


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