God's Love.

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Johan's picture
Ok. Do you have anything
Johan's picture
Yep. I see similarities.
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Johan
David Killens's picture
Seriously Old man,I have come
Johan's picture
Seems you agree I have reason
David Killens's picture
@ Johan
Whitefire13's picture
@Johan “ But the most
Johan's picture
Whitefire13's picture
YES it is my HONEST opinion
Johan's picture
Yep. I see similarities. But
boomer47's picture
@Old man
David Killens's picture
@ cranky47
dogalmighty's picture
Cognostic's picture
Homer has just logged in with
Nyarlathotep's picture
Spiritually is Godly. God
Johan's picture
Actually we all are correct.
Whitefire13's picture
WOW that’s deep...heard the
Johan's picture
There is a difference. Mine
Sheldon's picture
@Johan a meaningless analogy,
Johan's picture
I didn't try to give
Tin-Man's picture
@Johan Re: Cow analogy
Johan's picture
Yep. You have the cow there.
Tin-Man's picture
Johan's picture
Whitefire13's picture
Another word for “spirit
Johan's picture
Not really. Love and anger
dogalmighty's picture
Nope, its from the neurons
Johan's picture
No problem. But to me it
dogalmighty's picture
Exactly why you should seek a
Johan's picture


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