God's Love.

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dogalmighty's picture
Please everything you just
David Killens's picture
@ Johan
Johan's picture
@David Killens
Cognostic's picture
@White: Not "dipshit?"
Johan's picture
Don't worry. You will learn
David Killens's picture
Welcome to Atheist republic
Johan's picture
Thanks for your welcoming.
Whitefire13's picture
@Johan “...God then we get
Johan's picture
Yep. God made Adam and Eve
David Killens's picture
@ Johan
Johan's picture
Everyone has his perspective
David Killens's picture
@ Johan


Attach Image/Video?: 

Johan's picture
I met with God personally.
dogalmighty's picture
"I met with God personally."
toto974's picture
Johan, your theses are really
Johan's picture
Sorry. I am trying my best.
Whitefire13's picture
That’s explains SOOoOo much
Johan's picture
Yep. I am getting the
dogalmighty's picture
Johan's picture
Nope. Next time you feel
dogalmighty's picture
No. Feelings are only
Johan's picture
dogalmighty's picture
No, that is absolutely wrong.
Johan's picture
dogalmighty's picture
No johan...I have used
Nyarlathotep's picture
Johan - I am getting the
dogalmighty's picture
ROTFLMAO. Too funny.
Johan's picture
Where do you always feel
dogalmighty's picture
Your brain manages all
Johan's picture


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