Misconceptions of Islam

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maryam's picture
Misconceptions of Islam

Those who criticize Saudi Arabia ( Sharia Rules) or Islam , Dr. Mohammed Badahdah wrote an excellent article in below link


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Travis Hedglin's picture
You can't really tarnish
maryam's picture
Already filthy...? wat u
Travis Hedglin's picture
Sharia Law is part of the
maryam's picture
Sharia law is for Muslims
Travis Hedglin's picture
"Sharia law is for Muslims"
maberl's picture
Oh no madam Muslims do have
Andrew McArthur's picture
How can Sharia Law which you
watchman's picture
Maryam ….
maryam's picture
Watchman, thanks 4 ur words..
watchman's picture
"Many people only blame Islam
Pitar's picture
I don't know enough about the
ThePragmatic's picture
What ever anyone says or does
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yep so true.
naved's picture
Well said, saudi law is
Pitar's picture
I have to agree. If the "50
DazPetty's picture
Islam is the most disgusting
maryam's picture
Bert N Ernie's picture
Doesn't that sura refer to
maryam's picture
which surah...?
Andrew McArthur's picture
The disgusting part is what
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
woah, woah, easy there, buddy
mysticrose's picture
With all the bad things and
Ilovequestions's picture
The tough thing about Sharia
myrobot's picture
I read article.
myrobot's picture
Dr badahdah talked in saudia
maryam's picture
myrobot's picture
myrobot's picture
in above message i wrote a
maryam's picture
Okkhie...Well i was not
Andrew McArthur's picture
Fifty years. That's how much


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