Origins and Science

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xenoview's picture
Alain's picture
To know God we need to become
arakish's picture
Alain: "To know God we need
algebe's picture
@Alain: Even a stone has
Alain's picture
Agree, my mistake.
Philos_Tone's picture
Hi. I'm new. I can't really
Cognostic's picture
No one is denying a beginning
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Thanks for that article Cog.
Sheldon's picture
"has anyone said that life
Cognostic's picture
Philos_Tone: If you are
David Killens's picture
Philos_Tone's picture
Yes, I am actually 100%
Sheldon's picture
Not only is 100% certainty an
Tin-Man's picture
Re: Philos and Alain
Cognostic's picture
LOL - That position requires
Philos_Tone's picture
Can you not prove it by using
LostLocke's picture
We know it is impossible to
Cognostic's picture
No. That is not a proven
Sheldon's picture
I don't think you know what
Philos_Tone's picture
Can you not prove it by using
Cognostic's picture
It makes no difference where
Sapporo's picture
Wait...the OP is saying that
Cognostic's picture
Of course God, all gods, were
Nyarlathotep's picture
Algebe - Do you consider the
Cognostic's picture
Absolutely nothing penetrates
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
Oh, I wonder if this line of
The_Quieter's picture
'2nd Law'
Sheldon's picture
David Killens's picture
Sheldon's picture
If my instincts are on the


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