Proof for the Torah

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CyberLN's picture
In other words, you have
Proud Jewish boy's picture
I don't know about you, but
CyberLN's picture
Oh my, a cave...quite an
Proud Jewish boy's picture
In the Muslim world where
CyberLN's picture
You are pretty darn good at
algebe's picture
@PJB: "the vast majority of
Alan Travis's picture
"In other words," you pull
algebe's picture
PHB: "It is a logical
Proud Jewish boy's picture
I'm talking about the child
MCDennis's picture
Heheheheh...I don't give a
Proud Jewish boy's picture
Take a look at thread "8th
watchman's picture
PJB ....
Proud Jewish boy's picture
The exile is indeed not
algebe's picture
Don't forget the "Trail of
mykcob4's picture
Yeah right, and Edgar Cayce
Proud Jewish boy's picture
Perhaps I need to explain
Sky Pilot's picture
Proud Jewish boy,
Proud Jewish boy's picture
What you say is true. I
MCDennis's picture
So a book inspired by god was
Proud Jewish boy's picture
I don't know why you call it
Nyarlathotep's picture
Proud Jewish boy - Our Torah
Proud Jewish boy's picture
You totally missed the point.
Nyarlathotep's picture
So whom should I believe?
Proud Jewish boy's picture
Here's what I read on this
Nyarlathotep's picture
Proud Jewish boy - comparison
Proud Jewish boy's picture
If anyone is able to refute
MCDennis's picture
What do you mean by
Alan Travis's picture
Dear Jewish Boy, cast not
CyberLN's picture
All people considered atheist
Daniel's picture
PJB, Diotrephes has presented


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