On Rules

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Witness1625's picture
Oh yes what? I am not sure to
Travis Hedglin's picture
That is an assertion that you
Witness1625's picture
In my worldview, Laws of
Travis Hedglin's picture
"In my worldview, Laws of
Witness1625's picture
This comes down to our
Travis Hedglin's picture
"This comes down to our
Witness1625's picture
The Greeks used logic, which
Witness1625's picture
Wow it is easy to double
watchman's picture
"but that they were borrowing
Witness1625's picture
By borrowing, I mean they
watchman's picture
Idiotic to the point of
Witness1625's picture
Throwing words around doesn't
cmallen's picture
"BTW for you humor the
Witness1625's picture
Lol, it was made out of stone
Pitar's picture
Yes, you are quite right. You
Witness1625's picture
On your point, I am a dairy
Travis Hedglin's picture
You should know, for future
Witness1625's picture
Do you have a reason to
Nyarlathotep's picture
Travis Hedglin's picture
Mark: c. 65–73,
Witness1625's picture
Are you stating when the
Travis Hedglin's picture
The earliest, most
Witness1625's picture
Correction Paul was a
Johnny Moronic's picture
My belief in the Batman is
Witness1625's picture
So are you just renaming God
Nyarlathotep's picture
well 'Batmanians' don't
CyberLN's picture
I got a "pow".
cmallen's picture
We prefer the term
Witness1625's picture
Is Batman good or evil?
Nyarlathotep's picture
well obviously batman decides


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