My grandmother had TWO sets of idemtical twins ... and one non-identical.
Wanna talk "telepathy"?
My aunt married a Canadian soldier after WW2 and went to live in Vancouver ... thousands of miles away from her identical twin sister (who lived in the UK) There were several very clear instances of telepathy between them when "something happened". ABSOLUTE PROOF THAT TELEPATHY EXISTS! (as far as my family are concerned).
I'm not a twin ...but I experience "telepathy" ... on a daily basis (most times just "trivial" stuff).
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And all you would have to do is PROVE IT to be a millionaire.
Czech Skeptics' Club Sisyfos - $160,671, To anyone who can prove to possess paranormal abilities in areas such as clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis, rhabdomancy,
China, Sima Nan, 1,000,000 Chinese yuan to anyone who can perform one act of "special ability” without cheating."
India, Tarksheel Society, 10,000,000 Indian rupees to anyone who can perform any of 22 specified "miracles". The entry fee is 10,000 INR.
United States, Independent Investigations Group, 100,000 dollars to anyone who can show, 'under proper observing conditions', evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event." The person who refers a successful applicant to the IIG earns US$5,000.
Australia, Australian Skeptics, 100,000 Australian dollars, For proof of the existence of extrasensory perception, telepathy, or telekinesis.
India, Science and Rationalists' Association of India, Prabir Ghosh, $75,055, Prabir Ghosh will award the prize "to any person of this world who can demonstrate his/her supernormal power by performing any one of the following activities without taking help of any hoax/trick at my designated place and circumstances."
New Zealand, Stuart Landsborough, New Zealand Skeptics, $70,791, to anyone who could prove by psychic ability that they can indicate the exact location" of two halves of a promissory note hidden within an area of 100 metres inside Stuart Landsborough's Puzzling World. Over the years, the search area has been reduced from 5 kilometres to 100 metres and the prize doubled, but the note split in two to reduce the chance of winning by sheer luck.[19] Contestants have to donate NZ$1,000 to charity if they fail.
Italy, Alfredo Barrago's Bet, CICAP, $60,737. shown at least a 'phenomenon' produced by 'medium, seers, sensitive etc.' of paranormal nature."
Belgium, SKEPP Sisyphus Prize, $30,368,
Great Britain, Association for Skeptical Enquiry, o any person who could prove to possess magical powers before the media and scientists." The initial amount of £2,000 was increased fivefold in 2006 to attract more applicants.
Estonia, Eesti Skeptik, $12,147 To anyone who can prove paranormal abilities.
Germany, GWUP, $12,147 To anyone who can prove paranormal abilities
Sweden, Swedish Humanist Association, $11,550 o anyone who can demonstrate a paranormal or supernatural ability for which no scientific explanation can be found.
Canada, Les Sceptiques du Quebec, $7785 "Just a small fact, observable or verifiable through experiment" of a paranormal phenomenon.
Sri Lanka, Sri Lankan Rationalist Association, $6341 Professor Carlo Fonseka renewed Abraham Kovoor's challenge.
United States, Fayetteville Freethinkers, $5000 for any demonstration of supernatural claims"
Mexico, Daniel Zepeda, $1074 "To anyone who can show, under proper observational and replicable conditions, evidence of a paranormal, supernatural or occult power for which science has no answer.
United States, JREF, One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge, $1,000,000
France, Gérard Majax, Henri Broch, Jacques Theodor, International Zetetic Challenge, $242,949 Mediums and clairvoyants were challenged to show their powers, but all 275 candidates allegedly failed.[
SERIOUSLY: Don't bother people with your BS until you can show them the money. BS claims about magical abilities have NEVER been substantiated. NEVER Not one person has ever won any of the awards and there are thousands. ALL SUPERNATURAL CLAIMS HAVE BEEN DEBUNKED.
You are lying to yourself and lying to others. If anyone had any supernatural abilities, Las Vegas would go bankrupt in a single day. Stop believing in BS. You need professional help!
Like minded atheists? Atheists by their nature are skeptical of BS belief systems and wild unsubstantiated assertions. If you want to have a conversation about Ghosts, ESP, Spirits, or what Briton's "Top Psychiatrists" are saying, you are going to have to support your weird shit with FACTS. (Substantial evidence in the form of scientific studies that have been conducted and repeated with unvarying results.) You are not exploring anything but Woo Woo,
I suggest looking into Sam Harris and some of the stuff he is doing. He makes a basic assumption that all this spirituality stuff will be able to be explained by science. When he makes crazy assertions, be backs it all up with studies, facts, and enough support that one must take him seriously. Still, he has never gone overboard to the extent you have. If you want an atheist who believes in something called spirituality try watching some Sam Harris vids on YouTube.