What is with Atheists these days?

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arakish's picture
DAEMS: "haha pointed question
Sheldon's picture
Of course it is a pointed
DoesAtheismEvenMakeSense's picture
*sigh* (and I'm told I have
arakish's picture
DoesAtheismEvenMakeSense's picture
"If you have no OBJECTIVE
LogicFTW's picture
arakish's picture
Or another to put Logic's
David Killens's picture
David Killens's picture
"If you want perform martial
arakish's picture
DoesAtheismEvenMakeSense: "It
arakish's picture
@ DoesAtheismEvenMakeSense
algebe's picture
CyberLN's picture
DoesAtheismEven, I take
MinutiaeAccreted's picture
A few thoughts on this...
Sapporo's picture
DoesAtheismEvenMakeSense's picture
Sapporo's picture
Sheldon's picture
No book can validate it's own
arakish's picture
David Killens's picture
So you cannot offer any proof
arakish's picture
@ DoesAtheismEvenMakeSense
DoesAtheismEvenMakeSense's picture
Dang. This is a long one. I
algebe's picture
@DoesAtheismEvenMakeSense: it
DoesAtheismEvenMakeSense's picture
This is a wildly
algebe's picture
DoesAtheismEven...This is a
arakish's picture
DoesAtheismEvenMakeSense: "I
DoesAtheismEvenMakeSense's picture
Holy shit man, I'm so sorry
DoesAtheismEvenMakeSense's picture
Okay I changed my mind. In
Nyarlathotep's picture
DoesAtheismEven... - ...the
DoesAtheismEvenMakeSense's picture
Sure. Now taking the premise


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