What is with Atheists these days?
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Honestly what I think about Atheism these days is that it’s a comical, worn out, quasi-intellectual cult that aims to confuse the masses with it’s towers upon towers of infinite “no-ledge”; shrouded in mysticism..the infamous halls of academia
Hum... I didn't know i was to confuse the masses with infinite "no-ledge"...
@ Foe45
I should stop thinking about it then. If you do that you will not look so foolish.
Oh and try not typing out your "thoughts" on a public forum, I don't like laughing so much.
Wait.... I'm suppose to be confusing the masses???..... *hands on hips*... *annoyed look*.... *addressing other atheist members*.... Dammit!... Hey, you bunch of bozos! Why didn't I get that memo?!? I've been on here over a year, and NOBODY has bothered to mentioned that to me yet! What the hell, folks???
It seems we have a new job, i wonder about the pay and schedule...
@Talyyn Re: "It seems we have a new job, i wonder about the pay and schedule..."
Good point. I mean, I don't mind doing a little bit of pro bono, but - doggonnit - a guy has to make a living, right? Regardless of the pay, though, I plan on having a talk with the union rep about a few work incentives. Personally, I think it is only fair to have "Taco Tuesdays" and perhaps even "Cupcake Thursdays." Honestly, it seems so little to ask for undertaking such heavy responsibilities. Oh-oh-oh!.... And I already have a freakin' awesome idea on how to get some really good mass confusion going! Check this out!...
First, we start off writing a big book full of "ancient knowledge", and we claim it was written "thousands of years ago" by "prophets" who were inspired by some type of "all-powerful" and "perfect" being. Then we tell everybody that everything in the book is true because the "all-powerful" and "perfect" being depicted in the book SAYS that it is true. But wait! It gets better! We make up a bunch of "laws" in the book that were reportedly directly from the "all-powerful" and "perfect" being.... Hmmmm.... Tell ya what, let's call him The Father Figure. Has a catchy ring to it, right? Anyway, so we have these "laws" from The Father Figure that will be very strictly enforced by punishment of an eternity of torture in an industrial chicken house while having to listen to a continuous loop of a Backstreet Boys CD. However, throughout the entire book, we will have The Father Figure constantly breaking the "laws" himself and also COMMANDING other characters in the book to break the laws. No worries, though, because it is OKAY for The Father Figure to break the "laws" because he is "PERFECT" and knows waaaaaaaay more than everybody else. And it is also okay for others to break the laws IF COMMANDED TO DO SO BY THE FATHER FIGURE. However, anybody decides on his/her own initiative to break any of the "laws", then it is off to the chicken house for all eternity. And..... uhhhh.... *reading back over idea*.... *puzzled look on face*.... And... uh.... *scratching head*.... Uh, hmmmmm..... *tilting head to one side*.... Gee, that's odd.... Ya know, uh, call me crazy, but for some reason all that looks very similar to something else I have seen somewhere before.... *scratching chin*.... Dang-it... Just can't quite put my finger on it though....Hmmm..... *shrugging shoulders*... Oh, well. Still sounds like it would work pretty good...... Anyway, who's with me for Taco Tuesdays?
Yes, please notify when you're ready^^
Let me guess, you are religious.
You guys are merely fanboys of the actual religion that is atheism. Which you’re not getting..
Hey Foe, I gotta tell ya since you are new. We are on the same side I assume, but with comments like this one you won't last very long.
Religion is a set of beliefs, atheism is the absence of one single belief, ffs learn to read a dictionary.
Let’s stay on topic. Now back to this Atheist dilemma.. it’s all satanic or saturnian philomathy.. obsession of facts, ideas and all that encounter the two.
@ Foe45
Dang our secret's out...ah well, back to being a secret follower of Loki then...nobody busted us all then....
Remember Foe when I said stop typing your thoughts out? You did not listen did you....
@Old Man Re: "Dang our secret's out..."
It's okay, Old Man. We all knew our secret couldn't be kept in the dark forever. It was only a matter of time before somebody with the intelligence of Foe came along and shed light on our activities.... *sigh*....So.... Loki, huh?.... *nodding head in approval*... Good choice.... *thumbs up*...
Thanks for adding to the data.
@David Re: Link
ROFLMAO.... That was GREAT! Don't want to give away the surprise, but thanks for the good laugh to get my day started!... *still chuckling*...
Good, now you got that off your chest you can leave us in peace to our satanic heathen worship. No one here is buying your superstitious wares.
Angry? No your post actually gave me a good laugh! Your hypocrisy is amusing to say the least. It seems you are a right wing conservative, based on your obvious hatred of us left leaning liberals. I fly the proud atheist and even more so, the proud left leaning liberal banner whenever I can.
christians are full of intolerance and hatred for people who do not believe in their belief that a big man in the sky controls everything and made everything. However... as you should know by now, the burden of proof is in people like you, but you have nothing but a faith argument, which never could hold water!
Now conservative christians in the government angers me greatly as your book of fairy tales and gore has NO place in policy making and laws. Conservative christians actually are very immoral when they give to the rich and take from the poor, which are facts that cannot be disputed. Look at the current domestic terrorist trump. He is holding federal workers hostage for his racist wall! Not to mention the over 8, 000 lies he has told since taking office! Yet, the christians love him just because he is not Hillary!
So before you come here looking for a fight, have some facts to back you up and when you start by saying we are all angry, we are not the ones who murdered women and children, condoned incest and rape, flooded the world, and turned a woman into a pillar of salt! That would be your god, who would appear to have major anger issues for a so called loving god!
Atheist government 2020 and Beyond!
I support the wall and so have previous Presidents since they built portions of it. Trump just wants to finish it. Trump is not holding the federal workers hostage. The sorry assed Congress beasts led by blithering Pelosi and creepy Schumer are doing that. The shutdown is the fault of the incompetent Paul Ryan who didn't do his job last year and get a complete budget passed, which was his job.
Trump is definitely a world-class liar but I wouldn't have voted for those slimy Clintons if Crooked Hillary had been running against crazy Nebuchadnezzar.
IMO you don't understand the symbolism of Lot's wife being turned into a pillar of salt. In the Bible salt symbolizes a purifying agent. Lot's wife was the only real righteous person in the Lot story.
Leviticus 2:13 (ERV) = "Also, you must put salt on every grain offering you bring. You must not forget to add salt, because it represents God’s agreement with you. Always put salt on these offerings."
Numbers 18:19 (CEB) = "All the holy gift offerings that the Israelites raise to the Lord I have given to you, your sons, and your daughters. This is a permanent regulation. It is a covenant of salt forever in the Lord’s presence, for you and your descendants."
2 Kings 19-21 (ERV) = 19 The men of the city said to Elisha, “Sir, you can see this city is in a nice place, but the water is bad. That is why the land cannot grow crops.”
20 Elisha said, “Bring me a new bowl and put salt in it.”
They brought the bowl to Elisha. 21 Then he went out to the place where the water began flowing from the ground. Elisha threw the salt into the water and said, “The Lord said, ‘I am making this water pure! From now on this water will not cause any more death or keep the land from growing crops.’”
2 Chronicles 13:5 (ERV) = "You should know that the Lord, the God of Israel, gave David and his sons the right to be king over Israel forever. God gave this right to David with an agreement of salt."
Ezekiel 16:4 (ERV) = "Jerusalem, on the day you were born, there was no one to cut your navel cord. No one put salt on you and washed you to make you clean. No one wrapped you in cloth."
Mark 9:49 (NKJV) = “For everyone will be seasoned with fire, and every sacrifice will be seasoned with salt."
Colossians 4:6 (NKJV) = "Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one."
An atheist conservative who supports trump? Now I have seen everything. Also a bible lesson from an atheist? Pelosi and Shumer are doing their job as trump owns the shut down. How anyone can support a lying president that is guilty of treason and has had 37 members of his cabinet and campaign arrested for crimes is beyond me. Hillary world have been a would class president compared to this creaton we have. I am sick of the Hillary bashing by people who suffer from penis envy! You sound like a complete asshole conspiracy theorist who is posing as an atheist.... So Fuck off as I was responding to a theist which you appear to be yourself!
Attach Image/Video?:
"An atheist conservative who supports trump? Now I have seen everything. Also a bible lesson from an atheist? Pelosi and Shumer are doing their job as trump owns the shut down."
Sure, trump is a liar as well as a lot of other negative things. The fact is that the Border Patrol started the wall in 1990. President George W. Bush made it national policy in 2006 and Obama added to it. Trump now wants to finish it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Fence_Act_of_2006
The worthless Paul Ryan is responsible for the shutdown because he didn't do his job last year and pass a complete budget. Now the imbecile Pelosi and idiot Schumer are screwing over the country by refusing to support our national policy regarding the Secure Fence Act https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/PLAW-109publ367/html/PLAW-109publ367.... The House passed it 283-138 and the Senate passed it 80-19.
Pelosi and Schumer should be declared domestic enemies of America.
So it is obvious that you need American history lessons as well as Bible lessons because you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground on either subject. Do you even know what the real Ten Commandments are?
edit spelling.
You are an obvious conservative troll! Trump is a domestic terrorist, racist, child molester, liar (there have been 8,000 recorded lies on record), white nationalist, guilty of treason and like you has the mentality of a 4 year old! The only wall he will see will be a jail wall.
Don't lecture me about that book of fairy tales! I don't owe you shit! You are an obvious christian troll. Go FUCK yourself coward!
I’m not a troll, but I was wondering: should I be concerned if the size of my penis is below my country’s national average? This has to do with Trump. I’ll explain after you reply. Thanks.
"Go FUCK yourself coward!"
If we fuck each other would we be homosexuals? I hope you are a cute chick.
“What is this you are doing, getting carried away by your anger, with flashing eyes?" ~ Job 15:12 (TLB)
The wall was started in 1990 and it has been the law of the land since 2006, that's 12 years. Lying trump wants to finish it. He was wrong to take credit for other people's work and to say that Mexico would pay for it. American taxpayers will pay for it. So chill, there is nothing worth getting a stroke over. The wall is already the law. Pelosi will fund it.
If you go fuck your self it proves nothing more than a) you have a very flexible body and/or b)you have a very flexible and long penis.
After many failed attempts to go fuck my self - I have resorted to fucking another. But - as they say - “know” thyself (in the biblical sense).
The only wall trump will see, will be one of four cement walls in prison. Your belief in Pelosi funding the wall is as misplaced as your belief in the bible!
"The only wall trump will see, will be one of four cement walls in prison. Your belief in Pelosi funding the wall is as misplaced as your belief in the bible!"
I don't believe in the Bible.
The old buzzard Pelosi will fund the wall because it is mandatory spending and the wall is the law of the land.
Here are some excerpts from Public Law 109-367 = https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/PLAW-109publ367/pdf/PLAW-109publ367.pdf
(a) IN GENERAL .—Not later than 18 months after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security
shall take all actions the Secretary determines necessary and appropriate to achieve and maintain operational control over the entire
international land and maritime borders of the United States, to include the following—
(1) systematic surveillance of the international land and maritime borders of the United States through more effective
use of personnel and technology, such as unmanned aerial vehicles, ground-based sensors, satellites, radar coverage, and
cameras; and
(2) physical infrastructure enhancements to prevent unlawful entry by aliens into the United States and facilitate access to the international land and maritime borders by United States Customs and Border Protection, such as additional checkpoints,
all weather access roads, and vehicle barriers.
(b) OPERATIONAL CONTROL DEFINED .—In this section, the term ‘‘operational control’’ means the prevention of all unlawful entries
into the United States, including entries by terrorists, other unlawful aliens, instruments of terrorism, narcotics, and other contraband.
‘‘(A) REINFORCED FENCING .—In carrying out subsection (a), the Secretary of Homeland Security shall provide for least 2 layers of reinforced fencing, the installation of additional physical barriers, roads, lighting, cameras, and sensors—
‘‘(i) extending from 10 miles west of the Tecate, California, port of entry to 10 miles east of the Tecate, California, port of entry;
‘‘(ii) extending from 10 miles west of the Calexico, California, port of entry to 5 miles east of the Douglas, Arizona, port of entry;
‘‘(iii) extending from 5 miles west of the Columbus, New Mexico, port of entry to 10 miles east of El Paso, Texas;
‘‘(iv) extending from 5 miles northwest of the Del Rio, Texas, port of entry to 5 miles southeast of the Eagle Pass, Texas, port of entry; and
‘‘(v) extending 15 miles northwest of the Laredo, Texas, port of entry to the Brownsville, Texas, port
of entry.
‘‘(B) PRIORITY AREAS .—With respect to the border described—
‘‘(i) in subparagraph (A)(ii), the Secretary shall ensure that an interlocking surveillance camera system is installed along such area by May 30, 2007, and that fence construction is completed by May 30, 2008;
‘‘(ii) in subparagraph (A)(v), the Secretary shall ensure that fence construction from 15 miles northwest of the Laredo, Texas, port of entry to 15 southeast of the Laredo, Texas, port of entry is completed by December 31, 2008.
‘‘(C) EXCEPTION .—If the topography of a specific area has an elevation grade that exceeds 10 percent, the Secretary may use other means to secure such area, including the use of surveillance and barrier tools.’’.
Notice that the Secretary of Homeland Security is responsible for determining the necessary and appropriate actions to achieve and maintain operational control over the entire international land and maritime borders of the United States. Notice also that he can include whatever physical infrastructure enhancements to prevent unlawful entry by aliens, vehicles, narcotics, and contraband into the United States so if he decides that a wall with machine guns and death ray lasers is necessary then he will get the money for it.
Pelosi loves illegal aliens and drugs more than she loves America and Americans. She needs to be tarred and feathered.
Notice that Hillary Clinton and Schumer voter for the law = https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cf...
This list shows how the House voted = http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2006/roll446.xml
Public Law 109-367 is an example of the First Commandment in action. = Exodus 34:11-16. That is how politics and religion mix.
Diotrephes: "The old buzzard Pelosi will fund the wall because it is mandatory spending and the wall is the law of the land."
As if that will make the wall get built.
“Religion is a set of beliefs, atheism is the absence of one single belief, ffs learn to read a dictionary.”
Don’t you at least hold the belief that you don’t have any beliefs?