What is with Atheists these days?

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LogicFTW's picture


Don’t you at least hold the belief that you don’t have any beliefs?

Sheldon might have a belief, he probably has several, but that is Sheldon. Atheism is not Sheldon, atheism is a name of a group people that do not believe in god.

That is it.

No further description needed, as soon as you start adding details like: well person x in atheism believes in y and z you are describing that person, not atheism/atheist.

Tin-Man's picture
Re: AJ777's remark of, "Don’t

Re: AJ777's remark of, "Don’t you at least hold the belief that you don’t have any beliefs?"

Oh.... Dear.... God.... *jaw dropping to floor*.... *eyes beginning to cross involuntarily*.... *staring in momentary brain paralysis*... *picking up jaw from floor*.... *shaking head vigorously to reset eyes*..... Ladies and gentlemen, somebody please tell me how it is possible for a person to make such a remark and actually believe it sounds intelligent and makes sense... *reading remark again*... *blinking rapidly multiple times*.... Wow. That has GOT to be THE absolute most fuck-tarded statement I have seen on this site to date. And, trust me, that is quite an accomplishment considering some of the other hundreds of fuck-tarded statements we have all seen on here.... *shaking head in astonished disbelief*... Wow.... Just, wow....

algebe's picture
@AJ777: Don’t you at least

@AJ777: Don’t you at least hold the belief that you don’t have any beliefs?

Surely for atheists that's a simple matter of knowing, not believing. It's a binary question: believe or not believe? I know that I don't believe in god. I don't pray when my plane hits turbulence or my car skids on ice.

In my experience and opinion, the vast majority of Christians don't know whether they believe or what they believe. How many do you think could list the core beliefs of Christianity. Can you?

AJ777's picture
Tin-Man, ad hominem aside,

Tin-Man, ad hominem aside, you said nothing to address my comments merit.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture


Tin-Man, ad hominem aside, you said nothing to address my comments merit.

Possibly, as Tin Man so eloquently described in his reaction....there is no merit in your comment. I must admit when I read your original remark I thought you were joking...surely no one could be that....so many words to use...but "ignorant' sums it up nicely. Seriously you had me wiping the tears from me under-daks.

The big problem you have is you cannot see what is wrong with ""Don’t you at least hold the belief that you don’t have any beliefs?"

Perhaps Sheldon or Arakish or one of the others still not consumed in paroxysms of laughter will be kind enough to explain it to you...personally I don't think it is worth the time as it is obvious any crumbs of actual knowledge that are provided will be ignored.

(Edit to remove personal references)

Tin-Man's picture
@AJ777 Re: "...you said

@AJ777 Re: "...you said nothing to address my comments merit."


claim to respect and praise; excellence; worth.
something that deserves or justifies a reward or commendation; a commendable quality, act, etc.:

Au contraire, mon ami! I most certainly DID address the "merit" of your comment! Were you not paying attention? I commended it on its being the most ridiculous thing I have ever read on this site. Gosh, how did you miss that?.... *reading back over my post*.... OH! Okay, I see now. Silly me. I forgot to add you should get some type of award for it. Oops. My bad.

arakish's picture
AJ777: "Tin-Man, ad hominem

AJ777: "Tin-Man, ad hominem aside, you said nothing to address my comments merit."

Because there are no merits to be discussed. Only a fuck-tard remark to be made fun of.


Sheldon's picture
Do you know what a possessive

AJ777 @ Do you know what a possessive apostrophe is?

And your accusation is hilarious, given how long you have ignored my question about your claims on morality.

Why do you think it is immoral to torture children?

Why if as you claim it is immoral does your deity torture and even murder children again and again in your bible?

Please list 3 objective morals that your deity has never violated?

Sky Pilot's picture


"AJ777 @ Do you know what a possessive apostrophe is?"

Maybe he has a bad keyboard with a bad key. If he does then he would have to do a copy and paste every time he wanted to use the defective key. That is a pain. If he was doing professional work he would have to be more diligent. This is just slap it and smack it speed typing.

arakish's picture
Sheldon: "Do you know what a

Sheldon: "Do you know what a possessive apostrophe is?"

Then for his posts, he could simply use the HTML Entity ’ (’) to make the possessive apostrophe. More typing, but if he wants to not seem illiterate, he'd be willing to do it.


AJ777's picture
“In my experience and opinion

“In my experience and opinion, the vast majority of Christians don't know whether they believe or what they believe. How many do you think could list the core beliefs of Christianity. Can you?”

I agree. Not many. Yes I can.

David Killens's picture
You say you can, but I don't

You say you can, but I don't see any lists.

arakish's picture
@ AJ777

@ AJ777

“Religious Absolutists are rarely capable of distinguishing what they wish to be true from what is reality.” — paraphrased from The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins.


algebe's picture
@arakish: distinguishing what

@arakish: distinguishing what they wish to be true from what is reality.

Toddlers are like that, too.

Sheldon's picture
Why do you think it is wrong

Why do you think it is wrong to torture children?

AJ777's picture
David, very generally.

David, very generally. Christians believe God the father has existed eternally coequal with the son Jesus and the Holy Spirit, as one God in three persons. God created all things through Jesus. The first man and woman Adam and Eve chose to not trust God in the Garden, as a result sin and death entered the world. God foreknew this would happen and through sin and death He redeemed mankind by Jesus death. The way to be in Gods presence again for us is through trust, just as the way out of Gods presence in the beginning was distrust. This requires humility to admit that one is dependent on God and a sinner. Because of His great mercy God has chosen to allow each of us to choose now to follow Him or not. Jesus will someday return to earth and make all things new, and judge all mankind.

xenoview's picture

What objective evidence do you have that Jesus will return?

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ AJ777

@ AJ777

very generally. Christians believe God the father has existed eternally coequal with the son Jesus and the Holy Spirit, as one God in three persons. God created all things through Jesus.

When you start a paragraph with a generalised inaccuracy the rest of the writers thoughts falls into the same mendacious fallacy in the eyes of an educated reader.

Try"some christians" or "people who claim to be christians, and agree with me" or more accurately "The dogma of my sect of christianity states"

algebe's picture
AJ777: Christians believe God

AJ777: Christians believe God the father has existed eternally coequal

Well that's fairly specific. Would you say that your list of beliefs is shared by all people who describe themselves as Christians? I think there's always been a lot of disagreement over the Trinity concept. The Cathars, for example, believed in two gods and no Trinity, but they were all killed in battle or burned alive by the Trinity believers, so I guess god was on the Trinitarian side.

Would you describe your apparent knowledge of god as learned, revealed, inspired, inherited, or culturally assimilated/appropriated? Do you think you'd still have those beliefs if you'd grown up in Saudi Arabia or Bhutan?

arakish's picture
AJ777: "God foreknew this

AJ777: "God foreknew this would happen and through sin and death He redeemed mankind by Jesus death."

In other words, that immoral monster you call god was the one at fault for creating the good AND the evil. Your sky faerie purposefully made a world filled with evil. Thus, it is the one at fault. Thus, why should I even acknowledge it exists?


David Killens's picture


"Jesus will someday return to earth"

So jesus is not dead. That completely invalidates the entire "he died for your sins" story that is the linchpin of christian theology.

So all of a sudden all of your going on and on about sin is just hoo hee.

David Killens's picture
Such a statement implies that

Such a statement implies that you know the nature of your god.

Than please answer me this, why does your god inflict so much suffering and horrible deaths on children?

Sheldon's picture
I see no attempt to evidence

I see no attempt to evidence anything in that post, thus Hitchens's razor applies.


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