I Am Deceived, Therefore I Think
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...*hollaring to vendor* “ ... I’ll take a JUMBO WEENIE ON A STICK” *vendor and customer exchange money and weenie* “...Oh my. This is a BIG weenie. How am I ever going to eat it all in one sitting! Hmm, perhaps i’ll share it with the Evil One and the OverLord.” ... *baseball game continues...*
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@rat spit
Do you watch gay porn? You seem to like talking about penis'.
Do you give yourself hand jobs, or do you have a blow-up animal?
Hmm. Hair splitting wit. I’ll remind you that this forum does not allow homophobia, so even if I do watch gay porn - so what? Is there something wrong with that.
And masturbation? In fact, I don’t. However I don’t judge anyone who does.
Either way. Your comments suggest that you’re around 12 years old. So I won’t go on any longer, entertaining your obsession with my penis.
How is asking if you watch gay porn considered homophobic? It is just a staight question. Just by your reaction, this suggests you are still a closet gay. Dude, we are open here. Open the door. No need to hide in the dark.
And you do realize that 9 out of 10 persons freely admit to masturbating, the other 1 is lying.
Rally, dude? Who would have thought you were 12 years old. I would have sworn 13.
Seriously. Straight question? Be honest with your self.
And one follow up question. Two actually. Do you ever hear music in your mind and if so how do you account for that?
rat spit: "Do you ever hear music in your mind and if so how do you account for that?"
All the time. I fabricate it from my imagination. And many times, when I compose an orchestral maneuver of mine own, I wished I knew how to write that music. Shame. I have created, in mine opinion, some rather awesome orchestral maneuvers in my mind.
Question: Continuing the "hear music in your mind," how do you think composers create their masterpieces?
"And one follow up question. Two actually. Do you ever hear music in your mind and if so how do you account for that?"
Human brains can store complex memories, and then recall them. This would have been a very useful problem solving tool for evolving primates.
ROFLMAO..... Did anybody else catch that?
Asking somebody if they are gay is a straight question?..... Bwaaa-haaa-haaa...
@ Tin-Man
Thank you for noticing. I did it on purpose. Or was it the Overlord?
rat spit: "Seriously. Straight question? Be honest with your self."
Hell, yungun, I am probably the first person I am going to lie to. ;-P
No homophobia, but it's okay to come out here at AR.
So you don't jack off.
So is your blow-up animal a sheep?
You are the one who brought up penis'.
As for my age, I'm probably old enough to be your dad.
Well there is age and then there is age. I saw someone just like xenoview in a bar the other night. He had his hair all spiked out in liberty spikes and colored red, green. blue, orange, and more. He caught me looking at him and confronted me. "What in the hell are you looking at." I explained that I was sorry. I told him that I thought he might be my son. "Fuck you old man. You could never be my father." Oh, but I could I insisted... after all, when I was a young man like you I used to fuck peacocks.
The plural form of penis is “penises”. You keep using “penis” as a pronoun. Penis’ what? What is belonging to this penis of yours? Sir. Do you belong to this penis? And yes, I have a giant blow up animal of a blind shrew - a mole rat perhaps. I’m not sure.
Thank you for your responses everyone, as usual. Sheldon; I won’t bother even addressing you - you’re intellectually dishonest. Except to say that telling me “don’t bother popping back in” and the same sentiment to that effect twice amounts, imo, to telling someone to fuck off.
Me - “Oh. Btw. I’d like to visit this site every once in a while.”
You - “don’t bother. You’re not wanted. Go fuck off somewhere else.”
Same things. On to business.
Is a thought anything other than an impulse in the brain? Good question. Thank you for raising it whoever it was.
Yes. Of course a thought is nothing more. But how does a thought go from impulse to internal verbalization? Thought predates verbal formations, obviously - so what was it like for our ancestors?
And also, how does one control an impulse? Not talking about restraint here. I’m talking about being the volitional force behind the thought-impulse.
Thank you Chicken for explaining your thought process.
And finally. David, if you are able to control 100% of your thoughts, are you also capable of not thinking for any arbitrarily long period of time? And if so, what force beckons you to start thinking again?
"telling me “don’t bother popping back in” and the same sentiment to that effect twice amounts, imo, to telling someone to fuck off."
You were the one who said you were leaving you drug addled lunatic, so spin it anyway you want, but everyone can see you're a lying scumbag. As for you not responding to my post that's hilarious, you haven't offered a cogent rational word in response since you've been here, so thank heaven for small mercies is all I can see. I shall however continue to point and laugh at your inane verbiage. We also can see quite clearly this a pathetic excuse for you to avoid defining what your insane rants actually mean, phrases like "overlord" and "evil one". Quelle surprise you won't attempt to define these cogently.
“We” “we” “we”. I like how you’re appealing to the clan mentality here. Have you noticed that there’s actually an intelligent conversation going on in the midst of all your tantrums? I’m asking pertinent questions about the nature of thought? Others are replying? According to you “not one cogent thought”. But apparently there is some interest in what I have to say. So quit your bitching.
So no then, you can't offer a single cogent word to define your insane "overlord" or "evil one" fantasies, or your inane ramblings about self.
The cogent conversation is coming from others, despite your raving delusional nonsense, and here's a clue, they're trying to help you grasp how devolved from reality your posts are.
I routinely talk to the OverLord and the Evil One. That’s how I know they exist. Call it what you want. My view point is superior to yours. I completely understand you; whereas your understanding of me will always be “delusional”. Call it schizophrenia if you like. You will still never understand what it’s like to converse with God.
“But oh no. Where is your objective evidence of God.”
Shut your damn mouth. I just fucking told you. I hear Him. You would too if you could understand your own mind.
The other problem for you is that you can’t prove your inner voice is you. Thus I have no reason to believe you exist - apart from all your pontificating. Yes, you have a body. But do you have a Self? The answer is no, you intellectually blinded snob.
Short and sweet. The very same method you use to confirm your own existence; I use that to confirm the existence of a higher power.
Great, so please demonstrate this objective evidence for us all to see. I can produce birth certificates medical records spanning 53 years, tax returns a mortgage, car registration documents drivers licence passport etc etc etc...
If you're attaching some arbitrary or esoteric definition to "self" then you need to accurately define this, and objectively evidence it's existence. Otherwise no one has to evidence something doesn't exist that only you think exists in the first place.
Do you have anything beyond your inane subjective delusional claims?
"I routinely talk to the OverLord and the Evil One. "
I'm sure you believe it, this doesn't make it objectively real. Ranting at others who point out how crazy and delusional this sounds isn't a compelling argument.
"My view point is superior to yours. I completely understand you; whereas your understanding of me will always be “delusional”"
You understand I have rejected your inane unevidenced verbiage, and have been noisily throwing your toys out of your pram ever since, You understand nothing else, not even a basic grasp of reality. So aggressively asserting your "viewpoint is superior" is pretty meaningless, but then most of your verbiage is.
"Call it schizophrenia if you like. You will still never understand what it’s like to converse with God."
Nice straw man argument again, but it wasn't me who mentioned schizophrenia. Your second sentence doesn't objectively validate your claim at all, quite the opposite. I'm afraid you seem unable to grasp what objective means, and seem to think the more persistently and aggressively you assert your delusional beliefs the more compelling it becomes. Sadly this merely offers more compelling reasons to belief you are in the grip of a delusion. Neither what you're saying or how you're presenting it is reasonable.
"Shut your damn mouth."
Well QED...This is a public debate forum, so that kind of angry and peurile attack speaks for itself. I'd tell you to grow up, but it's clear you haven't even a tenuous grasp of how such attacks make you look.
" I just fucking told you. I hear Him. You would too if you could understand your own mind."
Relentlessly and aggressively repeating your subjective delusion isn't going to convince any objective person that it's real. As for knowing my mind, it's pretty clear my mind has a reasonably objective grasp of reality, whereas yours clearly does not. Getting angry at me when you came here to voice this delusional insanity is again simply reinforcing the obvious fact that you don't grasp the meaning of objective open minded thought, because you're clearly delusional. You've also offered not one cogent word to explain how you think you "know my mind", but this is your problem you endlessly and tediously repeat the same unevidenced and bizarre claims. Then piss and moan when you're asked to show some tangible argument or evidence.
"The other problem for you is that you can’t prove your inner voice is you. "
This is not a problem for me at all, as "inner voice" is your claim not mine. If you want to claim my own thoughts don't originate from my physical brain then you will have to objectively evidence that claim. You have clearly damaged your physical brain with a very strong hallucinogen by your own admission. This might well be the root of your delusion, and bizarre aggressive behaviour, but who knows. My thoughts reflect objective reality, yours are making claims to hear supernatural voices in your head. I'm sorry you can't see this objectively, but insulting me won't make it any less of a delusion.
"Thus I have no reason to believe you exist - apart from all your pontificating. "
So someone disagrees with your beliefs that you're hearing supernatural voices in your head, and your conclusion is that that person is not real? leaving aside how hilarious that is for moment, I have to tell you, seriously you need to seek some help, and that's not a dig at you, as petty and as nasty as you've been, I really advise you to get the help you so obviously need.
"But do you have a Self? The answer is no, you intellectually blinded snob."
Again you have failed to offer a single cogent word to define what you mean by self, but it was your claim not mine. Also this rather childish outburst is again pure ad hominem. It's sad you can't see your reaction for the childish tantrum it is, but cogent objective rational arguments require something more tangible than petty name calling. Something you don't seem to grasp judging from your posts.
Stay off drugs and seek help, seriously.
@rat spit
"And finally. David, if you are able to control 100% of your thoughts, are you also capable of not thinking for any arbitrarily long period of time? And if so, what force beckons you to start thinking again?"
My mind never stops. No, I have not practiced zoning out and making my mind a blank. So I probably can't turn it off, and thus I do not know how to turn it back on.
But humans do not work that way, in fact the brain is open to suggestion all the time. One example is the polar bear. As long as you do not think of the polar bear, you will prevail and succeed. But if for any instant you think "polar bear", your efforts will fail.
So try it, from this point forward do not have the thought "polar bear" in your mind.
Controlling the direction where your thoughts take you is a matter of training and knowledge. Many of those techniques are practiced by psychologists and self-help. The most important part is being able to recognize that your thoughts are going down a dark hole. Once you recognize the symptoms, then you can apply counter-measures.
No. Of course the suggestion of a polar bear evokes the thought of one. I would personally say such thoughts are beyond my control. As to ownership - well, they appear to come from me - so in a conventional sense I do take ownership of my thoughts most of the time.
But speaking of dark holes. Lately it’s been getting better, but there’s a tendency I have to have a pretty bleak inner dialogue. “I want to die” “I can’t do this anymore” “I hate my life”. I am persuaded to take ownership of these thoughts until I objectively assess my self and realize it’s all a pack of lies. That is when I start to question the agency of my thoughts. That is also when I start to hunt down the location of the impulses behind these thoughts - for the purpose of putting them to an end.
What was your meaning of “dark hole” (vagina jokes ensue)? Anxiety? Depression? Suicidal tendencies?
I was just referring to a "dark hole" as thoughts that lead to negative results.
Your interpretations are very extreme and disturbing.
I am also disturbed.
He's trying to help you understand how talking about the overlord, and the evil one, and voices in your head originated independently of your own mind, as if they form part of everyone's objective reality, seems to people.
Fair play to David on this one, his patience deserves kudos.
Hey, Rat! Digging the new look! Is that crown custom-made, or just standard issue?
Tin-man, it's Lemmiwinks.