I am really curious, what if you knew for sure that Jesus existed and that he is GOD, would you follow him and If no then why?
If you hate Jesus is it possible that maybe you just have the wrong view of him?
It’s sad because I have seen soooo many people hate GOD for some of the stupid, horrible mean things that people do in GOD’S name. I just don’t think it’s fair to dislike GOD for some of the horrible things that people do.
Ok here is my guess lets see what happens I bet about 90% of you will say no I would never follow him and the rest would say yes. Lets see what happens!
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@Ryan ......
Do you think you are the first one to come here with this question ........?
You ai'nt ......!
Do you think Atheists "Hate" god....... ?
They don't ....!
Do you think Jesus existed ...... ?
He didn't ....... !
Now listen very carefully.........
There is NO god...... never has been .......
its difficult to hate something that doesn't/didn't exist.
You know nothing about atheism and atheists....... (and I must add ,very little about religion.)
(Edited for syntax error)
@ Ryan
I am really curious, what if you knew for sure that ZEUS existed and that he is GOD, would you follow him and If not then why?
If you hate ZEUS is it possible that maybe you just have the wrong view of him?
I am really curious, what if you knew for sure that MITHRAS existed and that he is GOD, would you follow him and If not then why?
If you hate MITHRAS is it possible that maybe you just have the wrong view of him?
I am really curious, what if you knew for sure that APHRODITE existed and that she is GOD, would you follow her and If not then why?
If you hate APHRODITE is it possible that maybe you just have the wrong view of her?
Ok here is my guess lets see what happens I bet about 100% of you 'christians' will say no I would never follow him/her and that they are imaginary gods. Lets see what happens!
I like this question it helps me understand my question to you, let me think about it. I will respond soon gotta go.
ryan; "I am really curious, what if you knew for sure that Jesus existed and that he is GOD, would you follow him and If no then why?"
How would I know for sure?
Given the fact that in over 2000 years, not a shred of solid evidence has been forthcoming and that science has essentially rendered a deity unnecessary to explain anything within reality... I cannot take the question seriously.
Why do uninformed christians always assume atheists 'hate' Jesus?
We don't believe in the existence of gods. That's all. We also don't hate Allah, nor the Bhudda, or Zeus or Mithra. We don't think they exist. We waste no hatred on imaginary things.
edited for clarity
You have to tell us about your version of God before anyone can answer the question. There are about a million to choose from so far and having looked at many I would tell you that your chances of getting someone to follow one of them is not very good. So what is your idea of a god? Why in the world should we follow it? Will it be a real God or another fantasy version of a God?
I believe its the god of the bible. Something had to have created us I don't believe its natural causes.
So why do you really believe in an ancient ethnocentric Middle Eastern Jewish deity instead of a South American Indian or Central African deity? Countless other have believed in those deities so aren't they credible?
I cannot hate something I do not believe exists.
But Ryan, if a God was proven, I would definitely accept that being as a supreme entity. And for sure, I would hate that malicious, incompetent, cruel, homicidal and insecure being. I cannot worship anything that nasty.
I spent over forty years of my adult life searching for "meaning", for anything spiritual to latch on to. My mind is open to change, but in my pursuit of spiritualism, I believe I have checked behind all the doors.
So instead of displaying you complete lack of knowledge of atheism, how about providing just one valid reason I have to believe in your god? Convert me.
It would depend on the details. And don't both trying to plug in the god described by Christians into your what-if: since the details we are given about that deity contradict.
oh my goodness I didn't think I would get any responses this is fun! please come back I will have my response by this evening.
Just remember that according to the biblical fairy tale when Yeshua (Jesus) returns everyone will curse him. He's not a lovable guy. So start thinking about some unique curse words you can direct to him because you will really be pissed off.
I don't believe any deity or deities exist, as no one can demonstrate proper evidence for the claim. If you are asking would I follow the deity described in the bible then no, I think things like genocide, murder, infanticide, rape, ethnic cleansing , sex trafficking and slavery are wrong, and the deity in the bible either does these things or encourages others to do them.
However as I said I think the christian deity is a fiction the same as all the others, so it's a moot point. I generally don't direct emotions like anger at fictions.
The old "I can't respond right now, I've gotta go" routine. We have seen it before. Some christian comes on this forum to proselytize or pose what THEY think is original and new only to find out that their "question" is not only been asked before but that THEY don't know what the fuck they are talking about. ryan, you are a fool. You don't know a damn thing about atheists or atheism.
Atheists don't hate god. We can't, we don't believe in your myth. You can't hate a myth.
Here is MY bet. I bet you can't offer anything NEW, that we haven't heard or read before. I bet you can't PROVE your god or even that jesus ever existed. I bet you only came here to make YOURSELF feel better about YOUR belief. You don't fucking care about any of us. Why should you? We are complete strangers. This post of yours is all about YOU and nothing more.
Note: you will not find converts here. Nobody here has questions about what they know, only about what they don't know. Atheists are a rare breed. We usually know far more about christianity than most if not all christians such as yourself. We have researched it thoroughly. We have questioned it. We have gone beyond the indoctrination and brainwashing that you are in. We demand facts that have never come forth with regard to a god or religion or "faith". So spare me this bullshit and either present something completely NEW or fucking LEARN something!
You just made me giggle and clap with that post. lol
Since you did not specify which god, I will guess you are talking about the god depicted in the Holy Bible. So.....
* Why on Earth would I hate something I do not believe exists? Rather silly, I'd say. Do you hate Santa Clause because he no longer leaves presents under your tree?
* Personally, as I have said a few other times on this site, I have never been one to worship much of anything at all. The mere thought of bowing down and "kissing the feet (or ass)" of anybody or anything goes against every fiber of my being. I can have respect for, and admire a worthy leader, of course. Worship, though? Nope.
* Speaking of respect.... Let's pretend for a moment your god actually exists as depicted in your bible. There is absolutely NO WAY I could have any respect for it. So, obviously, worshipping it would most certainly be out of the question. That being said, there are a small handful of other gods out there I think would actually be pretty cool to have around. Still would not worship them, but I would at least have more respect toward them.
* Now, if Jesus actually existed, I think it might be interesting hanging out with him a little, I admit. Still not gonna worship him, though.
So, since we have taken the time to answer your question, perhaps you could be as kind as to return the favor. I would be most curious about your answer to Old Man's questions of whether or not you would worship Zeus, Mithras, or Aphrodite should it be proven they are real.
no not going anywhere guys. There are things in this world that I know and things I don't and me caring about you is something that I know. I do care. I know that sounds stupid and I think you are correct I probably will disappoint you but I will do my best. I am going to start working on my response now it will take awhile so bear with me. I have a lot to say and think about.
Nice to have you, Ryan. En garde!
thank you nice to hear that :)
I hope you bring your "A" game because this is not the amateur league. We don't take prisoners and we don't care if we hurt your feelings. Some of us might appear to be nicer than others but we all kick ass with roaring chain saws.
Some people might say that you lack proof. I simply don't give a damn about your proof. Like everyone else I might have believed or wanted to believe the fairy tale when I was younger. Now I don't give a damn if your favorite deity exists. I won't worship him. Hell, even you don't believe in him so you might as well come to terms with your own disbelief. In fact, not one person in human history has ever believed in him.
Like the con men Moses and Aaron, everyone just uses religion to enrich themselves and to gain control over their more superstitious buddies. The average believer just goes along in order to get along with the fanatics. And people like to socialize so going to church gives them an approved activity to engage in.
before I do my big response I will answer the question about old man shout. I do like this question. Lets assume these GODS are real. Lets assume they are the only gods that exist. At that point, I would need to do my homework and get to know them. If they have a book I would read it very carefully and I wouldn't let others persuade me and then I would make my decision.
I still want to know how you would know a god is real.
Good question, some of it is deductive reasoning like how else could we be here. I can gladly say I have never met him in person, and I cant show you him. Why Gladly? I say that because in the bible is says great is he who sees and believes but greater is he who doesn't see and believe. I like to be the greater. I don't know if my girlfriend is real but I have lots of evidence she is not a dream or a figment of my imagination. Ok here is the meat and potato's of it and I think this is the answer your looking for. You can find out if God is real in the bible it states seek me and you will find me. If you pray to god and state God I just want to know the truth do you exist? Then if your heart is in the right place he will reveal himself to you. However if you do it with no intentions of really wanting to know the truth and do it with a closed heart, he may choose not to reveal himself to you. He knows your heart. God loves honesty you could pray something like "God I am sure I am wasting my time with this prayer but I want to know if you really exist. I want to know if you really love me. If you do I would like to get to know you better". There isn't anything special you have to do just be honest and real.
Ryan: " I like to be the greater. I don't know if my girlfriend is real but I have lots of evidence she is not a dream or a figment of my imagination."
I have been sexually active since I was sixteen. I am 58. I love performing cunnilingus. The taste, smell, feel. That is how I know my girl friends have been real. Still have no idea how I would know a god is real.
Do you really want to know if god is real or are you perfectly comfortable with no knowing? Would you say your heart is closed to matter? It's ok if it is, that just means your being real and honest and I respect that. I just hope you might some day change your mind.
The question is how would you know if a god was real? I still don't have a good answer. This is central to answering your original post.
As far as I am concerned Chimp won the Most Frankest and Delightful Post of 2018, 2019 AND 2020!
I wholeheartedly agree about loving cunnilingus.....did I just drift off topic now?....Sorry, but I have been chortling about this all day.
Want to know how the rainbow farting unicorn god is real? You can find out this unicorn god is real in the unicorn bible! It states:
"seek me and you will find me. If you pray to ^unicorn^ god and state ^unicorn^ God I just want to know the truth do you exist? Then if your heart is in the right place he will reveal himself to you. However if you do it with no intentions of really wanting to know the truth and do it with a closed heart, he may choose not to reveal himself to you. He knows your heart."
According to the biblical fairy tale you can't believe in God unless he wants you to believe in him. So even if a person wanted to believe maybe God wouldn't allow him to believe. So God gets pissed off because Joe won't believe because God won't allow Joe to believe and then God tosses Joe into the lake of fire.