Why can we not observe God?

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Kafei's picture
@SheldonTaking mind altering
Sheldon's picture
blockquote>"Mysticism is not
Nyarlathotep's picture
Sheldon - Mysticism is a woo
toto974's picture
"Well, this research has. And
Kafei's picture
@TalyynNow I expect you to
toto974's picture
Kafei's picture
No one said it's proof of a
toto974's picture
I do not remember you making
Nyarlathotep's picture
Talyyn - You say that God is
toto974's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Talyyn - could you please
toto974's picture
@Nyarlathotep Thank you!!!
Sheldon's picture
Can you demonstrate any
Cognostic's picture
Cognostic's picture
Mysticism is not a "woo" term
Kafei's picture
@CognosticMysticism is not a
Get off my lawn's picture
"spiritual techniques and
Kafei's picture
@Get off my lawnIn other
Sheldon's picture
"Yes, there is a specific
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Kafei
Cognostic's picture
Then define it!! (All you
Sheldon's picture
Woo woo has the word
Sheldon's picture
That link is another YouTube
Cognostic's picture
Kafei: Why are you avoiding
Kafei's picture
@CognosticWhy are you
Sheldon's picture
@ Kafei
Cognostic's picture
Links to bullshit is not a
Kafei's picture
@SheldonMysticism is a woo
LogicFTW's picture
I feel like you and this
Kafei's picture
@LogicFTWI feel like you and


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