Why can we not observe God?

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In Spirit's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
@In Spirit
noreason's picture
I kind of agree. The answer
Kafei's picture
Well, some of the views I've
David Killens's picture
noreason's picture
@kafei i watched your pod
toto974's picture
Kafei's picture
This research has nothing at
toto974's picture
You did not understand me
Kafei's picture
These aren't Christian
toto974's picture
I never said they were
Nyarlathotep's picture
Kafei - Okay, I think I got
Kafei's picture
What's wrong with the post? I
Nyarlathotep's picture
Kafei - Why can't we link to
Nyarlathotep's picture
Unfortunately Kafei is going
noreason's picture
@ Kafei, you are in a
Kafei's picture
I take it you've never had an
David Killens's picture
ferguson1951's picture
Ignorant! You cannot observe
Tin-Man's picture
@Fig... (Aw, dammit)... I
Adrian's picture
Didn't Socrates say "I know


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