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@ God is AWESOME
"I just knew in my heart God was real."
It's sad people don't recognise what a vapid meaningless claim this old canard is.
"No one had to try to convince me. So when I heard he offered eternal life to whoever would believe on His Son, Jesus, I wanted it."
It's hard to imagined anyone more biased than that statement infers.
"ATTITUDE means a lot. Our attitudes can help us or defeat us. "
I agree, your attitude for instance is defeating you as you are too biased and suggestible to ever objectively or rationally examine the validity of your religious beliefs. You have admitted as much in the sentnece I quoted above.
"Salvation is FREE"
A demonstrably false claim, as religion have always demanded a high price in adherence to their doctrine and dogma, much of which is and has been deeply pernicious to both believers and non-believes alike.
Are you trying to claim no prayer goes unanswered?
This is a demonstrable false claim, even before the efficacy of intercessory prayer was subjected to proper double blind clinical trials, and found to have no discernable effect.
Same old sermonising guff, not one shred of any objective evidence demonstrated.
Anyone else notice how theists love the sound of their own voice, especially when they're preaching at others who don't share their beliefs?
I do have evidence. We went into the worst part of town preaching the gospel. We found an old woman who had to crawl around on the floor for years and years, we explained to her all about Jesus. We laid our hands on her in His Name and she was healed. The whole neighborhood knew her for years and saw her walking. Her son came to us to ask us how she was miraculously healed and we told him about Jesus too.
A young man who walked the streets came to a service and sat there as if he could have cared less to hear it. After the service, he asked him if something he was involved in was evil. I told him to pray with the preacher. Believers circled the young man and as the prayer ended, I reached my hand to touch him and said, In the Name of Jesus.... I didn’t even finish the sentence, but I was casting out the demon. As I said aloud In the Name of Jesus, something in him screamed, growled and went to lunge at me to attack me. I thought, Lord! You’re not going to let him hurt me? Right then, it was if someone turned him completely around as he was growling and put him face down on the floor, as the boy screamed, OH GOD forgive me. OH GOD, I will never do it again, over and over. Everyone there saw the Kingdom of God was real. The two streetwalkers who came with him, came up the aisle with their hands in the air terrified at what just took place. The demon had left the young man.
One night after a service, we began to pray. Thought sometimes we just need a flat out miracle. Everyone who needs a miracle stand up. About six people stood up and we prayed asking for help. Do you know within days, every person who stood up got their miracle. I had a dream about one fellow there, in the dream he needed a certain amount of money. But when I woke up, I thought was that dream from the Lord? I thought it must not have been because I didn’t even have that amount of money to give him. But in a few days I saw him on the sidewalk and asked him if he got his miracle. He said he got his job back, his electric turned on and got his rent money, but needed only a certain amount still for his phone, and told me the amount. It was then I realized it was the same amount I had in the dream,and I happened to have gotten money, I had then in my purse. I knew it was meant for him.
I have been in plenty, plenty of situations where I didn’t have money I needed, or quit my job and was in need. God has ALWAYS come through in miraculous ways. I have myself been healed plenty of times. I have seen plenty plenty plenty of answers to prayer and miracles. Just because you don’t get what you want when you want it is the worst thing you can do condemning the Lord. He promised if you put him FIRST, do not worry about your life. He will take care of you.
I could go on and on. The world is in a mess and he explains it to you, if you will read his Word. He explains why all the bad things are happening.
Actually, the world is currently in the most prosperous and peaceful time in history. No thanks to Christianity.
It seems that the things you attribute to "God" pale in significance compared to the benefits achieved by society over the last two thousands. Even when you attribute things like spontaneous remission of cancer to "God", it hardly shows "God" to be more proactive than humans at preventing the evils it supposedly created.
I just want to add to Sapporos great point: and this prosperous time, christianity and many other religions are in decline. On Superbowl sunday more people in the US watch a game of people hitting each other then go to church and listen to sermons.
@Godisawsome, RE: A MIRACLE!!!!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha,,,,, your inane little assertions are so cute. Can you sing "Jesus Loves the Little Children" to us. It's the best song to sing while killing every first born son in Egypt or ripping open the stomachs of pregnant women and dashing their babies onto rocks. Jesus loves the little shildren *slash* all the little children of the world *grab and swing* red and yellow black and white *release* they are precious in his site *thunk - and finish as the next lady steps forward* Jesus love the little children of the world. What a great song!!!
@ God is AWESOME
"I do have evidence."
No you don't or you would demonstrate it, and all you have offered there is a string of unevidenced anecdotal claims. In fact I don't think you even understand what objective evidence is judging from that post and your claim.
"I could go on and on. "
You already are mate trust me, you clearly are used to a receptive audience, but I am an atheist and I find sententious preaching insulting, tedious and meaningless. If you want to preach find a pulpit, it's very disrespectful to do that in here.
Again, what objective evidence can you DEMONSTRATE for any deity? Please, no more unevidenced anecdotal claims, or god off the gaps polemics, they're beyond tedious, and they're not evidence.
Oh my, that must have been terrifying. it takes a lot of courage for special snowflakes to walk the evil infested streets. I bet you must have been muttering "oh jesus, oh jesus" many times as you gasped for air. I hope you didn't let slip in a "oh holy fuck jesus" because even special snowflakes go to hell for muttering such evil.
Because if you said "oh holy fuck jesus", or even worse, "oh holy fuck mary", that would have plunged you into the evil and despair of a lost soul. I hope you have the "Jesus GPS Saver", only $19.95 with your special prayers, @ ernestangleywantsyourmoney dot com". At least when those evil words escape your purdy little special lips (never met a priest who didn't love purdy lips) at least you can find out in your app how close to heaven, or hell you are.
Hallelujah, I love my fucking app !!!!! Praise be to those special snowflakes with purdy lips, we love ya. Every one of you little fuckers.
Ah fuck, I said it again.
"He who orders his slave to do things that he knows him to be incapable of doing, then punishes him, is a fool." - Abu Isa al-Warraq
Re: OP
...*blink-blink*.... *tilting head to one side*... *blink-blink...blink-blink-blink*.... *opens mouth to speak*... *closes mouth*.... *blink-blink-blink-blink-blink*.... *vigorously shaking head to clear brain fog*... Oh... Wow... That was really weird... Just had a flashback to sitting in Sunday school as a kid and listening to altar call at the end of the preacher"s sermon and thinking, "I gotta pee! I gotta pee! Please, nobody go up to the altar! I gotta peeeeee!"
Another tedious sermon, punctuated badly with random capitals, followed by a lengthy silence when the requests for evidence remain unanswered.
Sheldon, I did answer you. Please read it.
"Sheldon, I did answer you. Please read it."
You responded, you didn't answer me at all, you just rolled right passed my claim for objective evidence, and then made a raft of evidenced anecdotal claims for miracles you claim to have witnessed. We get Muslims in here making identical claims, are you a Muslim? If you don't accept such claims from rival superstitions why should I accept them from yours?
@God is Awesome
You must have really bought into the Easter sermon yesterday! Now show one bit of evidence about your Jesus. If he exists, why did thousands of people die of starvation and disease since yesterday? You have no proof because you have no god to provide proof of.
Why are you looking around at everyone else. Why don’t you seek Him for yourself. Read my post to Sheldon.
I have plenty of evidence of miracles. Others who saw, also believed when they saw too.
The attitude of your heart matters.
A person does not choose to believe something.
It is immoral to punish someone for acting contrary to their own inclination.
Nature does not choose to present itself only to those with the right attitude.
"Why are you looking around at everyone else. Why don’t you seek Him for yourself. Read my post to Sheldon."
Don;t bother he offered nothing bu unevidenced assertions.
"I have plenty of evidence of miracles. Others who saw, also believed when they saw too.
The attitude of your heart matters."
Nothing you can demonstrate though, making this another tedious unevidenced anecdotal claim. I have ridden unicorns many times, as have others, now explain why my claim is not evidence for unicorns, if your claims are evidence for miracles?
"The attitude of your heart matters."
Your heart is a pump made of muscle, it;s the attitude of your thinking that matter, and it is axiomatic that if you make yourself biased and suggestible, which is all you are suggesting, then belief will be easier than if you approach with an open mind and critically objective reasoning.
God Ain't Nothing: "I have plenty of evidence of miracles. Others who saw, also believed when they saw too.
The attitude of your heart matters."
Attitude of the heart does not have any damned thing to do with evidence. Trust me, I know. I work as a field scientist and data analyzer for the largest currently active super volcano. How my heart feels ain't got nothing to do with the evidence I collect and then analyze.
There is no such thing as a miracle. ALL miracles can be explain by science.
Evidently that mental disorder and disease known as RSTD has definitely blinded you and your fellows. Seek mental help.
ALL who call on the Name of the Lord JESUS shall be saved.
There is salvation in no other. There is no other name given to man under heaven but which we can be saved.
If Jesus died for our crimes, then we are already saved. That means that any eternal torture is done out of spite.
Any being that wilfully carries out eternal torture can only be considered evil.
Superstitious unevidenced guff, please stop your preaching and sermonising, it is very disrespectful to the atheists here. If you want to preach find a pulpit or climb on a soap box.
Not only myself, but millions of Christians have experienced what they knew were miracles. Why do you asking for “proof” and “evidence.”
Do you want fingerprints, forensics, a full blown investigation from a laboratory, or a requirement for a miracle to be on the “science” channel? Seriously? You’re really grasping hard here to deny what others have experienced.
I’ve told you several people have seen them and can testify to what we’ve seen. If you tell me you saw a bird fly, should I ask you for evidence you really saw it? That’s a real cop out.
"I’ve told you several people have seen them and can testify to what we’ve seen. If you tell me you saw a bird fly, should I ask you for evidence you really saw it? That’s a real cop out."
The cop out is you referencing birds. This video offers a thousand times more proof of birds versus your imaginary sky fairy.
The problem is, and it is a major problem: you will accept whatever people tell you, as long as it conforms with your personal belief system. If you started demanding more than just "talk" of their miracles and extraordinary experiences you will notice they will come up empty every time.
@ God is AWESOME.
"millions of Christians have experienced"
That's a logical fallacy called argumentum ad populum, it's a bare appeal to numbers and therefore meaningless, and irrational by definition. You don't seem to know the difference between an unevidenced anecdotal claim, and objective evidence.
"Do you want fingerprints, forensics, a full blown investigation from a laboratory, or a requirement for a miracle to be on the “science” channel? Seriously?"
No I'll just take the word of a complete stranger who is clearly hopelessly biased, and woefully ill-informed about what rationally constitutes evidence. Do behave...
"You’re really grasping hard here to deny what others have experienced."
Not even remotely true, I don't need to deny anything since subjective experience isn't objective evidence by definition, and what's more you can demonstrate no evidence the claims happened as you said, and offer no explanatory powers or any objective evidence for what you claim is the cause. You are so our of your depth here it's unlikely anything I say will educate you one iota, but there are objective methods that have strict principles of validation, and the fact you choose to believe what you cannot evidence, then make endless claims for evidence that are themselves nothing more than unevidenced claims, is your fault not mine. This is a perfect example of how religion destroys its adherents ability to think cogently, objectively, and rationally.
"I’ve told you several people have seen them and can testify to what we’ve seen. If you tell me you saw a bird fly, should I ask you for evidence you really saw it? That’s a real cop out."
That's not a cop out, that is a pathetic straw man fallacy you just created, we know birds can fly as an objectively evidenced fact. Again it's astonishing to me that anyone from a developed western democracy can reach adulthood and be so woefully ignorant of standards of objective evidence, and basic informal logical fallacies, so much so you seem to be using the most cliched common logical fallacies in every single post. Bird flight is a natural phenomena, and we also know natural phenomena occur and can objectively evidence this beyond any reasonable doubt, and yes mountains of that evidence would satisfy the best most rigorous process we have, the scientific method.
it's beyond lame to blather on that "you saw this" or "we experienced that".
Again do you accept prima facie all claims by all other religions for the millions of miracles they have experienced? Are you a Hindu, a Sikh or a Muslim? Why then should I accept claims by you that you would not accept form others?
It's bizarre you don't see the double standard you're setting, and again this is a common logical fallacy, it's called a special pleading fallacy.
God Ain't Nothing: "ALL who call on the Name of the Lord JESUS shall be saved."
Saved from what?
The only thing we may need saving from are your Illusory Sky Faerie, Bewitched Lich Virgin, and Conjured Comical Spook.
Here is a question for you God Ain't Nothing: Where is the freedom of choice when your vindictive and barbaric Illusory Sky Faerie promises the threat of eternal and infinite torture and torment?