Christian missionary has been killed .....

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Cognostic's picture
Christian missionary has been killed .....

"An American self-styled adventurer and Christian missionary has been killed and buried by a tribe of hunter-gatherers on a remote island in the Indian Ocean..."

You have all seen the post before..... What were the last thoughts racing through this guys head before a spear took its' place?

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Cognostic's picture
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Cognostic's picture
"Jesus loves the little
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Cognostic's picture
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R'Amen. And now he no longer
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*dragging canoe out of the
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"These Godless heathens are
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@Tin Man I think that that
Cognostic's picture
"Oh fuck! What would Jesus
Cognostic's picture
*THUNK* "Ouch! Turn the other
Rohan M.'s picture
*THUNK* Love- *THUNK* thy-
Cognostic's picture
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A native! Let me thank the
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Wow, a native is about to
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
"What me worry?" THUNKITY


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Tin-Man's picture
Re: "What me worry?"
Cognostic's picture
"Oh Lord, thank you for


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